Leeches at Wellcome Collection
61 Results for “Leeches”
- A fierce battle between the supporters of John Brown (Bruno), in favour of treatment with stimulants, and those of F.J.V. Broussais, in favour of bloodletting. Pen drawing.Reference24101i
- Exposé de l’état actuel de nos connaissances et observations personelles sur la terminaison des nerfs dans les muscles lisses de la sangsue : précédés de la bibliographie des travaux parus sur l’innervation des muscles lisses en général / par J.F. Heymans.
- Curious cures of old Yorkshire : a collection of remedies, health superstitions and medical memories / Dulcie Lewis.
- Traité de la sangsue médicinale / par Louis Vitet … publié par P.J. Vitet son fils.
- London: Miscellany, 19th and 20th centuriesDate1897ReferenceMS.7294/2Part ofLondon: Miscellany, 19th and 20th centuries
- Sea buckthorn plant (Hippophae rhamnoides) and nine types of leech (Hirudo species). Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1811.Date30 March 1811Reference25546i
- Meligariis, Masiolo de
- Notes and extracts on booksDatec.1800-1823ReferenceMS.1164Part ofBidault de Villiers, F. T. (1775-1824)
- Observaciones acerca de la sanguijuela que se usa en esta capital / par los profesores de farmacia Gumesindo Mendoza y Alfonso Herrera.
- Murder, magic and medicine. Part 2, Blood suckers and flesh eaters.Date2001
- A study in medical history : introduction of medicinal leeches into the West Indies in the nineteenth century / Roy T. Sawyer [and others].Date[1997-]
- The application of leeches in the ‘Cyranides’ (Cyranides IV (A) 5 Meschini) / David Bain.
- Anatomy and botany: top left, aorta; top right, chest artery; centre left, ligature of the subclavian artery; centre right, a leech; bottom left, musk deer; bottom right, rhubarb. Coloured engraving, 1834-1837.Date[between 1834 and 1837]Reference577934i
- Specification of Nathaniel Johnston : breeding, rearing and carrying leeches.
- Leeches, lampreys, and other cold-blooded blood-suckers / Gail LaBonte.
- On a leech (Trocheta subviridis, Dutroch.) found in the viscera of a Moluccan deer (Cervus moluccensis, Müller) / by James Murie.
- Why we need to save the medicinal leech / Roy T. Sawyer.
- A treatise on the utility of sangui-suction, or, : Leech bleeding, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases : including the opinions of eminent practitioners, ancient and modern : with instructions for the process of leeching, and an appendix, delineating the characteristic distinction of true leeches : with directions for their management and preservation / by Rees Price.
- Leeching antiques, or, 20th century leechmania / by Anne Mortimer Young.
- [-] & ReceiptsDatelate 18th century – early 19th centuryReferenceMS.8764
- A sanguine attachment : 2,000 years of leeches in medicine / by Roy T. Sawyer.
- Filthy cities. Part 1, Medieval London.Date2011
- Bidault de Villiers, F. T. (1775-1824)
- Bruce FamilyDate1837-1868ReferenceMS.8051
- Succinct practical observations on the effects of bloodletting : containing an investigation of the practice of general and local abstraction of blood ; also how far leeches may be efficacious, independently of the evacuation they produce : to which are added ob[s]ervations on visceral inflammation after parturition / by Edward Geoghegan.Date1833
- Anybody ill? : (I’m Doctor Quack) : the popular humorous song / music by Alfred Lee ; sung by Alf. Walker.
- Four men whose distorted shadows are cast on the wall:a an apothecary casting the shadow of a clyster, a censor casting the shadow of a devil, a hereditary peer casting the shadow of a pig, and a Jesuit casting the shadow of a turkey. Coloured lithograph by J.J. Grandville, 1830.
- Blutegeltherapie im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert / Ingo Wilhelm Müller.
- Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 24 août 1840 / par J.-J.-Louis Rouanet.
- Three leeches in the role of physicians attend a grasshopper in the role of the patient and propose diet and bloodletting. Coloured lithograph after J.J. Grandville, ca. 1832.
- Monographie de la famille des hirudinées / Par Alfred Moquin-Tandon.Date1827
- John Bull as the patient of promotors of competing therapies; representing British parliamentary reform. Aquatint by S. de Wilde, 1809.DatePublished for the Satirist July 1st. 1809Reference12204i
- Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine : présentée et soutenue le 30 décembre 1839, / par Napoléon Vivier, de Châteauroux … I. Quelle est la valeur des signes fournis par l’inspection des tonsilles et du pharynx? … [etc].Date1839
- Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hirudineen / von Heinrich Rathke ; herausgegeben und theilweise bearbeitet von Rudolf Leuckart.Date1862
- Blood and guts: a history of surgery. Part 5, Bloody beginnings.Date2008
- Six diagrams of cocoons of medicinal leeches. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Basire after W. Clift.Reference23021i
- Three women wading in a stream gathering leeches. Coloured aquatint by R. Havell, 1814, after G. Walker.Date1 April 1814Reference22996i
- Monographie des sangsues médicinales : contenant la description, l’éducation, la conservation, la reproduction, les maladies, l’emploi, le dégorgement et le commerce de ces annélides suivie de l’hygiéne des marais à sangsues / par Ch. Fermond.Date1854
- Specification of George Lifford Smartt : vessels for preserving leeches and fish alive.Date1854
- Rhazes (Rāzī), a physician, examines a kneeling boy who has his mouth wide open, they are in a surgery full of equipment. Colour process print after H. Behzad.Reference21257i
- The care and use of medicinal leeches in 19th century pharmacy and therapeutics / by John C. Hartnett.Date1972
- Johann Freidrich Dieffenbach : successful use of leeches in plastic surgery in the 1820s / R.T. Sawyer.Date[1948-?]
- An omnibus full of distraught women due to leeches having escaped from their broken jar. Wood engraving by J. Leech.Reference12130i
- Abstract of a lecture upon the classification and structure of the leech : delivered before the members of the Pharmaceutical Society / by H. Letheby.Date[1844?]
- [Phlebotomiographía], or, A treatise of phlebotomy : demonstrating the necessity of it in diseases; the time for elections. And likewise of the use and application of cupping-glasses, and leeches. Whereupon is added a brief and most methodicall tract of the crisis / Written originally in French, by Da de Plumis Campi ; and now faithfully rendred into English, by E.W. well-wisher to physick and chirurgery.Date1658
- London: Miscellany, 19th and 20th centuriesDate1897-1931ReferenceMS.7294
- On the cure of amenorrhœa by leeches applied to the mammæ / by Charles Loudon.Date1832
- Memoires pour servir a l’histoire naturelle des sangsues / par P. Thomas.Date1806
- A treatise on the utility of sangui-suction, or, leech bleeding, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases : including the opinions of eminent practitioners, ancient and modern; with instructions for the process of leeching, and an appendix, delineating the characteristic distinction of true leeches, with directions for their management and preservation / by Rees Price.Date1822
- Nùm easdem indicationes adimplere valent quaelibet sanguinis missiones : scilicet, phlebotomia, arteriotomia, hirudines, cucurbitulae? : thesis quam, Deo favente, in saluberrimâ Facultate Medicâ Parisiensi, praesentibus competitionis judicibus, publicis competitorum disputationibus subjiciet et dilucidare conabitur, mercurii die 25 februarii, anno 1824 / J.E. Tuffier.Date1824
- Observations on the Hirudo complanata, and Hirudo stagnalis : now formed into a distinct genus under the name, Glossopora / by Dr. Johnson.Date1817
- Two surgeons treating two seated male patients in a surgery, many surgeons’ dishes are hanging from the ceiling. Line engraving by W. Kilian, 1652, after C. Ortz.Date[1652]Reference22315i
- A treatise on the medicinal leech ; including its medical and natural history, with a description of its anatomical structure; also, remarks upon the diseases, preservation and management of leeches. / By James Rawlins Johnson.Date1816
- Leech / Robert G.W. Kirk and Neil Pemberton.Date2012
- A medical practitioner administers leeches to a patient. Colour lithograph after L. Boilly, 1827.Date1827Reference652845i
- Three diagrams of cocoons of medicinal leeches. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Basire after W. West.Reference23023i
- A treatise on the medicinal leech; including its medical and natural history, with a description of its anatomical structure; also remarks upon the diseases, preservation and management of leeches / [James Rawlins Johnson].Date1816
- Misunderstanding between a doctor and his working-class patient, who has swallowed the leeches he prescribed. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1877.Date1877Reference13816i
- An apothecary sitting in his shop, sorting through materia medica, surrounded by paraphernalia of his profession. Engraving, ca. 1750.Date[1750?]Reference15904i
- Anglo-Saxon leechcraft : an historical sketch of early English medicine : lecture memoranda, American Medical Association, Atlantic City, 1912.Date[1912]
- On the head kidney of bdellostoma : with a suggestion as to the origin of the suprarenal bodies / W.F.R. Weldon.
335 Results for “Leech” – some having little or nothing to do with blood sucking aquatic worms but perhaps interesting nonetheless
- Leech.
- Leech and Tamarind jars.
- Leech tubes, curved glass.
- Leech tubes, curved glass.
- Leech jar, 18th-19th century.
- Leech infection / by F.N. Green.
- Leech : journal of the Cardiff medical students’ club.
- Leech / Robert G.W. Kirk and Neil Pemberton.
- Marrowfat peas / Peter Leech & Son.
- Finest mixed spice / Peter Leech & Son.
- Finest ground nutmegs / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Finest carbonate of soda / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Cooking cinnamon or cassia / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Cooking cinnamon or cassia / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Cooking cinnamon or cassia / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Choicest English green marrowfat peas : hand picked / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Early medicine and quackery in Lancashire / by E. Bosdin Leech.Date1938]
- All ground spices with this trademark warranted genuine / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- All ground spices with this trademark warranted genuine / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- All ground spices with this trademark warranted genuine / Peter Leech & Son.Date[between 1910 and 1919?]
- Half pound tin of the finest ground white pepper / Peter Leech & Son.
- For preserving eggs : silicate of soda or water glass / Peter Leech & Son.
- A note on early Liverpool doctors and ships’ surgeons / E. Bosdin Leech.
- On the use of the alcoholic stimulants in fever: a paper read before the Glasgow Southern Medical Society, on the 19th Aug. 1847 / [John Leech].
- What everyone should know about drugs / Kenneth Leech.
- A hotel managed by noblemen. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
- A man dressing in a bathing machine. Wood engraving by J. Leech.
- Youthquake : the growth of a counter-culture through two decades / Kenneth Leech.
- Keep the faith, baby : a close-up of London’s drop-outs / Kenneth Leech.
- Two doctors aloof from one another in disagreement. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
- An unscrupulous chemist selling a child arsenic and laudanum. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference15630i
- Women bathing in the sea near their bathing machines. Wood engraving by J. Leech.Reference35393i
- A phrenologist working on the head of a boy. Watercolour painting by J. Leech.Reference27552i
- A new doctor being vetted by a local parish committee. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference15696i
- Caesar’s forces attempt to land on the beach of Dover. Coloured etching by John Leech.Date[1840?/1850]Reference588784i
- A barber cutting a girl’s hair: a woman looks on. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Date1800-1899Reference29713i
- Queen Victoria (?) being driven through the sea in a bathing machine. Wood engraving by J. Leech.Reference35415i
- A doctor telling his apprentice how to use language correctly. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1846.Date1846Reference15583i
- A potato shaking hands with Edward Jenner, claiming him as a fellow vaccinator. Watercolour by John Leech.Date[between 1800 and 1899]Reference29573i
- A Greenwich Pensioner, in Greenwich Park, talking to two boys about naval battles. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference32769i
- A doctor tells an obese lady all the possible horrendous diseases she might have. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference15575i
- William the Conqueror dressed in armour on horseback observes a motley collection of volunteers. Coloured etching by John Leech.Date1840-1850Reference588785i
- Women visiting a beach to enjoy geological collecting, study, sewing and other worthy activities. Chromolithograph after John Leech, 1865.DateJany. 2nd 1865Reference37620i
- Children encouraged by their teachers to box as a positive and healthy recreation. Wood engraving by J. Leech, 1858.Date1858Reference13795i
- An unsympathetic doctor trying to get rid of a poor patient by frightening her. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference15564i
- People bathing in the sea; a reluctant male bather watches from a bathing machine. Wood engraving by J. Leech.Reference35376i
- A group of women gathered around a fireplace listening to a young man holding forth. Coloured etching by John Leech.Reference28334i
- An omnibus full of distraught women due to leeches having escaped from their broken jar. Wood engraving by J. Leech.Reference12130i
- Two men are standing on the banks of a river waiting for a catch. Coloured process print after John Leech.Reference34763i
- A doctor changing into hunting clothes in his carriage, on his way to a hunt meeting. Watercolour painting by J. Leech.Date1859Reference15702i
- A doctor changing into hunting clothes in his carriage while rushing to join a fox-hunt. Wood engraving by John Leech, 1859.Date1859Reference13794i
- Mr. Punch wrapped up in blankets in front of the fire, eating gruel and suffering from influenza. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference18187i
- Mr Punch wrapped up in blankets in front of the fire, eating gruel and suffering from influenza. Wood engraving after J. Leech.Reference15628i
- A young lady, love-struck after a military ball, visited by her doctor at her mother’s request. Wood engraving by John Leech, 1863.Date1863Reference13800i
- A dutiful volunteer soldier at his post in the rain even though he has a bad cold. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1846.Date1846Reference15621i
- Three children automatically putting out their tongues for inspection upon meeting the family doctor in Kensington Gardens. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1861.Date6 April 1861Reference13796i
- A woman refusing to get into a cab believing she will catch smallpox, the driver humorously reassures her. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1863.Date1863Reference13799i
- An old farm labourer is valued at 2 guineas but a prize pig is valued at 3 guineas. Wood engraving by J. Leech, 1846.Date[1846]Reference30155i
- An overweight man being driven through the sea in a carriage drawn by a small thin man on a horse. Wood engraving by J. Leech.Reference35444i
- A surgeon-apothecary, Mr Rawkins, runs an election campaign to secure the post of surgeon to a dispensary in Clerkenwell. Etching by J. Leech, 1842.Date[1842]Reference3304948i
- A young man visiting a surgeon-apothecary in his workroom, where the proprietor shows him one of his prize natural history specimens. Etching by J. Leech.
- A shocked family discovering a chair that has increased enormously in size due to being polished with cod-liver oil. Wood engraving by J. Leech, 1865.
- Doctors reduced to drinking in a seedy public house: representing the effect of the various Reform bills introduced by Sir James Graham. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
- A beardless young man asks his hair-dresser to shave his beard: another hair-dresser and his client look on in amusement. Coloured wood engraving after John Leech.
- Three men in a boat are out fishing on a lake, one has caught an eel on the end of his line. Coloured process print after John Leech.
- Death as a ferryman rowing on the river Thames, which is infested with dead animals; representing the danger of drinking Thames water. Wood engraving attributed to John Leech, 1858.
- A young woman is walking along a plank near a beach hut as another reads a book and the children play in the sand. Chromolithograph after John Leech, 1865.
- A man is trying to escape up a tree as the fish he has caught is writhing around on the bank of the river. Coloured process print after John Leech.
- Two working-class men wearing top hats and moustaches, imitating the fashions of the upper classes, rejoice in their new-found equality in fashion. Wood engraving after John Leech, 1854.
- A man dressed in a hat and heavy coat is carrying a fishing rod as he nears a turbulent river on a very windy day. Process print after John Leech.
- A man sits in a boat with three fishing rods as two others row him across the lake, a fish jumps in the background behind them. Process print after John Leech.Reference34758i
- The boy St Giles, arrested for stealing a hat belonging to the boy St James, is arraigned before the night-constable at Covent Garden watch-house. Etching after John Leech, 1845.Date[1845]Reference35899i
- John Mitchel striding to his trial in the middle of a marching band: the trombonist has accidentally knocked over the triangle-player in front. Letterpress and wood engraving after J. Leech, 1848.Date1848Reference34174i
- Children are sitting on the banks of a river watching as a man is pulled along by the fish on the end of his fishing line. Coloured process print after John Leech.Reference34765i
- A man is standing on the banks of a river with a fishing line in the water, he is hunched against the very wet and windy weather. Coloured process print after J. Leech.Reference34768i
- A man has caught a fish on the end of his line, but the fish is so strong that it is pulling the man across the rocks. Coloured process print after John Leech.Reference34762i
- Death as a lethal confectioner making up sweets using arsenic and plaster of Paris as ingredients; representing the toxic adulteration of sweets in the 1858 Bradford sweets poisoning. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1858.Date20 November 1858Reference47061i
- A man is punting on a river but his pole seems to be stuck; a woman in the boat is reading and a small boy trails his hands in the water. Coloured lithograph after John Leech.Reference34757iPart ofMr. Briggs & his doings
- A man is standing in the middle of a lake tangled up with a fishing rod, lines and a net, deer come from the bushes to see what he is doing. Process print after John Leech.Reference34759i
- A footman at a seaside establishment asks a man who is about to leave if he will take a barrel of sea-water with him on behalf of another resident. Wood engraving by J. Leech, 1846.Date[1846]Reference35385i
- A man is standing on the banks of a river with a broken fishing line and an escaping fish; he then appears from out of the water with the fish in his arms. Coloured process print after John Leech.
- British pyralides including the pterophoridae / by John Henry Leech.
- Laugh and grow fit / by the Laughing Leech ; with drawings by Alfred E. Taylor.
- Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de sanguinis missione … / eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Leech.
- Biochemistry and structure of cell organelles / Robert A. Reid and Rachel M. Leech.
- Drugs for young people : their use and misuse / by Kenneth Leech and Brenda Jordan.
- Drugs for young people: their use and misuse / by Kenneth Leech and Brenda Jordan.
- An African medicine man cupping and bleeding two patients. Wood engraving by Dalziel after J. Leech.
- An African medicine man or shaman using symbols and small animals to eject a demon (disease). Wood engraving by Dalziel after J. Leech.
- The pharmacological action and therapeutic uses of the nitrites and allied compounds : including the Croonian lectures for 1893 / by Daniel John Leech ; edited by R.B. Wild.
- Keep on running : the science of training and performance / Eric Newsholme, Tony Leech, Glenda Duester.
- John Solomon Rarey with the stallion ‘Cruiser’, observed by onlookers. Wood engraving by J. Swain after J. Leech, 1858.
- The Duke of Wellington observing the French premier Adolphe Thiers, who is represented as the dwarf General Tom Thumb (?) Lithograph by J. Leech, 1844 (?).
- Joseph Muff an unscrupulous physician and pharmacist giving child a mixture of medicine for her mother. Wood engraving by E. Landell after J. Leech, 1842 (?).
- British politicians as huntsmen arriving at a river representing the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act 1887. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 3 December 1887.
- On the use of the alcoholic stimulants in fever : a paper read before the Glasgow Southern Medical Society, on the 19th Aug. 1847 / [John Leech].
- An introduction to echocardiography. 2nd series. Unit 1, Two-dimensional echocardiography in the normal heart / editors: Graham Leech, Joseph Kisslo.Date1981
- Needle of death / text, Paul Hunter ; photographs, M.J. Delaney ; an examination of the British heroin scene, Brenda Jordan/Ken Leech.
- The pharmacological action and therapeutic uses of the nitrites and allied compounds : including the Croonian lectures for 1893 / by Daniel John Leech ; ed. by R.B. Wild.
- Life and work of Sir William Roberts / by D.J. Leech ; with an appendix, containing a list of his published writings, compiled and chronologically arranged by Charles J. Cullingworth.
- Doctor and patient : hints to both / by Dr. Robert Gersuny … ; translated, with the permission of the author, by A. S. Levetus ; with a preface by D. J. Leech.Date1898
- The Pennsylvania town and country-man’s almanack, for the year of our Lord 1759. … By John Tobler Esq;Date[1758]
- On affections of the heart and in its neighbourhood : cases, aphorisms and commentaries / by Horace Dobell.Date1876
- Drug dependence : papers given in the 15th series of I.S.T.D. Lectures at the Caxton Hall, London S.W.1, October 1969-March 1970 / Harry Greenfield [and 3 others].Date1970
- John Leech. Photograph.Reference15159i
- Richard Leech.Date[date of publication not identified]
- Harvey Leech, a dwarf. Wood engraving.Reference863i
- Glass leech tube, England, 1801-1900
- Mechanical leech, Europe, 1850-1900
- Photograph: Leech jar, glass jar with glass
- Pottery leech jar, Europe, 1801-1900
- Pharmacy leech jar, England, 1830-1870
- Glass leech jar, Europe, 1851-1900
- Mechanical leech, London, England, 1850-1855
- Medicinal leech Hirudo verbena
- Short leech-bookDateEarly 15th century – late 16th century
- Alcock-type leech jar.
- Moutparts from medicinal leech Hirudo verbena
- Cocoon from medicinal leech Hirudo verbena
- A leech jar; Essex type.
- Markings on a leech jar.
- A Welsh leech book : or, Llyfr o feddyginiaeth, faithfully reproduced from the original manuscript / edited by Timothy Lewis.Date1931
- Sensory cell in a leech ganglion
- Sensory cell in a leech ganglion
- ‘A court for King Cholera’ – Illustration by John Leech.
- Mechanised Leech, invented by Messrs. Kidsten & co. 1850.
- Page of Gothic text from a 15th century Leech-Book
- Page of Gothic text from a 15th century Leech-Book
- Page of Gothic text from a 15th century Leech-Book
- Photograph: leeches.
- Daniel J. Leech; head and shoulders, face tilted to the left. Process print.
- Collection of medical receipts in English and Latin (Leech-Books, IV)DateEarly 15th centuryReferenceMS.407
- The saga of the Australian leech worm / John Thearle.
- Middle English medical miscellany, including receipts and charms (Leech-Books, VI)DateLate 14th-early 15th centuryReferenceMS.409
- Pharmacy leech jar, blue gilt earthenware, English 1831-1859
- Pharmacy leech jar,blue gilt earthenware, English 1831-1859
- [History of medicine] A to Z. [Leech-Luke] / by John Miles.
- Collection of practical medical treatises in English and Latin (Leech-Books, VIII)DateLate 15th centuryReferenceMS.411
- Further observations on the medical leech; including a reprint from the Philosophical Transactions of two memoirs, comprising observations on the Hirudo vulgaris, or common rivulet leech; and on the H. stagnalis and H. complanata, now constituting the genus Glossopora / [James Rawlins Johnson].
- Further observations on the medical leech : including a reprint, from the Philosophical Transactions, of two memoirs, comprising observations on the hirudo vulgaris, or common rivulet leech ; and on the h. stagnalis and h. complanata, now constituting the genus glossopora / [J.R. Johnson].
- Leeches and cupping.Date1940
- An historical survey of illustrations of the medicinal leech / B.W. Payton.Date1984
- Why we need to save the medicinal leech / Roy T. Sawyer.Date[1950-?]
- Specification of Charles François Jules Fonrobert : artificial leech and sucker.Date1856
- Collection of medical receipts and tracts on uroscopy in English and Latin (Leech-Books V)Datec. 1450-1550ReferenceMS.408
- Collection of medical tracts in verse and prose, mostly in Middle English (Leech-Books, III)DateEarly 15th century – late 16th centuryReferenceMS.406
- Collection of medical receipts, notes on astrological medicine, colours of urines, etc. (Leech-Books I)DateLate 15th centuryReferenceMS.404
- A treatise on the medicinal leech ; including its medical and natural history, with a description of its anatomical structure; also, remarks upon the diseases, preservation and management of leeches. / By James Rawlins Johnson.Date1816
- Scheuchzer, 1731-33: leeches
- MS. Wellcome 405 : a Middle English leech-book / edited by Désirée Edmar.Date1967
- Scroll containing remedies and charms against diseases, wounds, etc. Written in Late Middle English. Incomplete (Leech-Books VII)Datec. 1400ReferenceMS.410
- Markhams Maisterpeece. Conteyning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech … / [Gervase Markham].
- Medical miscellany in Middle English, containing the Booke of Ypocras and a collection of receipts (Leech-Books, II)DateEarly 15th centuryReferenceMS.405
- Despatch from His Majesty’s minister in China forwarding a general report by Mr. Leech respecting the opium question in China.Date1908
- Young ladies in cook’s hats are in a kitchen being instructed in the art of cooking. Coloured etching by John Leech.Reference31297i
- Leeches. Histoires Prodigieuses, Pierrie Boaistuau
- The leech : the physician’s assistant forever give a sucker an even break / David Sheppard.
- A Welsh leech book : or, Llyfr o feddyginiaeth, faithfully reproduced from the original manuscript / edited by Timothy Lewis, M.A.Date1924
- Sea buckthorn plant (Hippophae rhamnoides) and nine types of leech (Hirudo species). Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1811.Date30 March 1811Reference25546i
- Cage for transporting leeches, Europe, 1801-1900
- A description of the work of the central fund on behalf of the wounded in the King’s Lancashire Military Convalescent Hospital, compiled by Edward LeechDate1917ReferenceRAMC/1780Part ofRoyal Army Medical Corps Muniments Collection
- A man returns late at night and removes his shoes before climbing the stairs and his wife is waiting for his return. Etching by John Leech.Reference28138i
- Magician and leech : a study in the beginnings of medicine with special reference to ancient Egypt / by Warren R. Dawson.Date[1929]
- Pewter box for transporting leeches, Europe, 1801-1900
- Carbolic and leeches / Janet Wilks.Date1991
- Muriel Robertson fishing for leeches at Elistree.
- On a leech (Trocheta subviridis, Dutroch.) found in the viscera of a Moluccan deer (Cervus moluccensis, Müller) / by James Murie.Date[1865]
- The complete cow-leech, or cattle-doctor; being a treatise on the disorders of horned cattle … with a catalogue of drugs / [John C. Knowlson].Date1820
- Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses / [Gervase Markham].Date1643 [1644]
- In memoriam, Daniel John Leech, J.P., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P.Date[1900]
- Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses / [Gervase Markham].
- Leeches in my breeches / Ted Williams.
- Anatomy and botany: top left, aorta; top right, chest artery; centre left, ligature of the subclavian artery; centre right, a leech; bottom left, musk deer; bottom right, rhubarb. Coloured engraving, 1834-1837.Date[between 1834 and 1837]Reference577934i
- Abstract of a lecture upon the classification and structure of the leech : delivered before the members of the Pharmaceutical Society / by H. Letheby.
- Gastropod molluscs, including oysters, leeches, scolopendrids and whelks. Etching.Reference41766i
- Blood letting 18th- 19th century: artificial leeches.
- A treatise on the medicinal leech; including its medical and natural history, with a description of its anatomical structure; also remarks upon the diseases, preservation and management of leeches / [James Rawlins Johnson].
- Specification of Nathaniel Johnston : breeding, rearing and carrying leeches.
- Description of a substitute for leeches / by John Welsh.
- Leeches, lampreys, and other cold-blooded blood-suckers / Gail LaBonte.
- Leeches, lampreys, and other cold-blooded blood-suckers / Gail LaBonte.
- Markhams master-piece, contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses … Being divided into two books: the first containing all cures physical: the second, all belonging to chirurgery … / Written by Gervas Markham.
- The complete cow-leech, or cattle-doctor : being a treatise on the disorders of horned cattle : rendered easy to be understood by any that can read a little plain English : with a catalogue of drugs / by J. C. Knowlson.
- Markham’s masterpiece : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses … being divided into two books, the first containing all cures physical, the second all belonging to chirurgery … / written by Gervas Markham, Gent.
- Markhams master-piece, contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses … Being divided into two books: the first containing all cures physical: the second, all belonging to chirurgery … Written by Gervas Markham.
- Markhams maister-peece : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses … being divided into two bookes, the first containing all cures physicall, the second all belonging to chirurgery … / written by Gervase Markham, Gent.
- Markhams master-piece : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses … being divided into two books, the first containing all cures physical, the second all belonging to chirurgery … / written by Gervas Markham, Gent.
- Leeching antiques, or, 20th century leechmania / by Anne Mortimer Young.
- Leeches to lasers : sketches of a medical family / Richard Moore.
- Markhams Maister-Peece. Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses … divided into two bookes ; the first contayning all cures physicall ; the second all belonging to chyrurgery…now the fourth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented… / written by Gervase Markham.
- A treatise on the utility of sangui-suction, or, leech bleeding, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases : including the opinions of eminent practitioners, ancient and modern; with instructions for the process of leeching, and an appendix, delineating the characteristic distinction of true leeches, with directions for their management and preservation / by Rees Price.
- Specification of George Lifford Smartt : vessels for preserving leeches and fish alive.
- The development of medical techniques and treatments : from leeches to heart surgery / Martin Duke.
- A sanguine attachment : 2,000 years of leeches in medicine / by Roy T. Sawyer.
- The use of leeches, Hirudo medicinalis (Linné) in folk medicine in Finland / Hindrik Strandberg.
- Healthcare in early medieval Northern Italy : more to life than leeches? / by Clare Pilsworth.
- Haerlemmer-meer-boeck. Dienende tot een remonstrantie, verklaringh ende voor-bereydinghe om de Haerlemmer ende de Leytse-meer te bedijcken … Mitsgaders: van meest alle de meeren in Noort-Hollandt teghen den Huygen-dijck en Saerdam dedijckt, en tot landt ghemaeckt zijn, zedert het jaar 1608, geduerende tot het jaer 1641 Beschreven door Jan Adriaensz. Leech water
- Haerlemmer-meer-boeck. Dienende tot een remonstrantie, verklaringh ende voor-bereydinghe om de Haerlemmer ende de Leytse-meer te bedijcken … Mitsgaders: van meest alle de meeren die in Noort-hollandt teghen den huygen-dijck en Saerdam bedijckt, en tot landt gemaeckt zijn, zedert het jaer 1608, geduerende tot het jaer 1641. Beschreven door Jan Adriaensz. Leech Water ..
- The application of leeches in the ‘Cyranides’ (Cyranides IV (A) 5 Meschini) / David Bain.
- The frailty of all flesh, and the stability of the word of the Lord. A sermon, delivered in the First Society in Lebanon the Sabbath after the death of Mr. Jonathan L. Leech, who departed this life after a very short illness, Jan. 12, 1790. In the 22d year of his age. By Zebulon Ely, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Lebanon. Published at the desire of some of the hearers. [Four lines from Job]
- A treatise on the utility of sangui-suction, or, : Leech bleeding, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases : including the opinions of eminent practitioners, ancient and modern : with instructions for the process of leeching, and an appendix, delineating the characteristic distinction of true leeches : with directions for their management and preservation / by Rees Price.
- An entirely new treatise on leeches : wherein the nature, properties and use.
- Johann Freidrich Dieffenbach : successful use of leeches in plastic surgery in the 1820s / R.T. Sawyer.
- On the cure of amenorrhœa by leeches applied to the mammæ / by Charles Loudon.
- Haerlemmer-Meer-boeck. Dienende tot een remonstrantie, verklaringh ende voor-bereydinghe om de Haerlemmer ende de Leytse-meer te bedijcken. Als oock vande diepten, gronden, ende nuttigheyd der selver. Midtsgaders: van meest alle de meeren die in Noort-hollandt teghen den huygen-dijck en Saerdam bedyckt, en tot landt gemaeckt zijn, zedert het jaer 1608, geduerende tot het jaer 1641. Beschreven door Jan Adriaensz. Leech Water ..
- On cutting off the tails of leeches / by S.M.
- A strange and true relation of one Mr. John Leech : who lived in Huntington-Shire, at a place called Ravely, not farre distant froom Huntington Town, who was (about ten dayes agoe) carried twelve miles in the ayre, by two finnes, and also of his sad and lamentable death. attested by persons of unquestionable credit, who have hereunto set their hands. John Webber Jeffery Hobkins Robert Shipton Gent. Frances Hall James Smith Thomas Cracroft Yeo.Date1662
- Markham’s master-piece revived. Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses. Drawn … from approved experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work / [Gervase Markham].
- Dionysius of Heraclea, an obese man applying leeches to his arms in order to lose weight. Reproduction of a woodcut.Reference331i
- From leeches to lasers : a history of health care in the Nowra district, 1822-1990 / by Alan Clark.
- The care and use of medicinal leeches in 19th century pharmacy and therapeutics / by John C. Hartnett.
- Two men share a joke about leeches in front of a pharmacy window. Coloured pen and ink drawing by Blondeau.
- Six diagrams of cocoons of medicinal leeches. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Basire after W. Clift.
- A medical practitioner administers leeches to a patient. Colour lithograph after L. Boilly, 1827.
- Three diagrams of cocoons of medicinal leeches. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Basire after W. West.
- A physician administers leeches to a patient. Colour process print after L. Boilly, 1827.
- Grammatical exercises, English and French; Containing I. The fundamental rules of French construction, digested in a plain, easy, and very concise order. II. Idiomatical exercises on subjects both entertaining and instructive. III. French exercises, with directions, serving to explain divers particles and difficulties of the French language. To which are added, exercises on bad French. IV. Sentences, calculated to point out some intricate idioms and gallicisms. By Mr. Porny, french-master at Eton-College. The sixth edition, considerably improved by William C. Leech.
- Three women wading in a stream gathering leeches. Coloured aquatint by R. Havell, 1814, after G. Walker.
- A study in medical history : introduction of medicinal leeches into the West Indies in the nineteenth century / Roy T. Sawyer [and others].Date[1997-]
- An entire new treatise on leeches. Wherein the nature, properties, and use of that … reptile, is … set forth … / [George Horn].
- A corpulent physician diagnoses more leeches for a young woman, who lies drained and bedbound. Lithograph by P. Numa, c. 1833.
- Misunderstanding between a doctor and his working-class patient, who has swallowed the leeches he prescribed. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1877.
- A doctor prescribes another ninety leeches for a sick, bedbound man; gentlemen crowd around the bed. Coloured lithograph by C.J. Traviès, c. 1827.
- Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses. Drawne … from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simpleple spoken of through the whole wor / [Gervase Markham].
- Markhams maister-peece : contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses, drawn with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practice of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome, and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome : being divided into two bookes : the first contayning all cures physicall : the second all belonging to chyrurgery, with an addition of 160 principall chapters, and 370 most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever : together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke / written by Gervase Markham, Gent.
- Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses. Drawne … from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simpleple spoken of through the whole wor / [Gervase Markham].
- A group of fashionable physicians gathered around a sick patient listen to one of their number proclaiming the virtue of leeches. Coloured lithograph after E.J. Pigal.
- An entire new treatise on leeches, wherein the nature, properties, and use of that most singular and valuable reptile, is most clearly set forth. By George Horn, Apothecary, &c.
- Three leeches in the role of physicians attend a grasshopper in the role of the patient and propose diet and bloodletting. Coloured lithograph after J.J. Grandville, ca. 1832.
- Markhams maister-peece· : Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approoued experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome; and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being diuided into two bookes. The first contayning all cures physicall: the sceond all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and quallity of euery simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Geruase Markham, Gent.
- Markhams maister-peece· : Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being divided into two bookes. The first contaying all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatosever. Together with the true nature, vse, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Gervase Markham, Gent.
- An entire new treatise on leeches, wherein the nature, properties, and use of that most singular and valuable reptile, is most clearly set forth. / by George Horn, Apothecary, &c.
- A group of fashionable physicians gathered around a sick patient listen to one of their number proclaiming the virtue of leeches. Coloured lithograph by Langlumé after E.J. Pigal, 1824.
- A true relation of the araignment of eighteene vvitches : that were tried, convicted, and condemned, at a sessions holden at St. Edmunds-bury in Suffolke, and there by the iudge and iustices of the said sessions condemned to die, and so were executed the 27. day of August 1645. As also a list of the names of those that were executed, and their severall confessions before their executions. VVith a true relation of the manner how they find them out. The names of those that were executed. Mr. Lowes parson of Branson. Thomas Evered a cooper with Mary his wife. Mary Bacon. Anne Alderman. Rebecca Morris. Mary Fuller. Mary Clowes. Margery Sparham Katherine Tooley. Sarah Spinlow. Iane Limstead. Anne Wright. Mary Smith. Iane Rivert. Susan Manners. Mary Skipper. Anne Leech.Date1645
- Markhams maister-peece, or, What doth a horse-man lacke : containing all possible knowledge whatsoeuer which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorrances in horses : drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome : being deuided into two bookes, the first containing all cures physicall, the second whatsoeuer belongeth to chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall chapters and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of nor mentioned in any author before whatsoeuer : together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie simple spoken of through the whole worke : reade me, practise me, and admire me / written by Geruase Markham gentleman.
- John Bull, with leeches on his chest, sits on a commode full of gold coin; he is attended by Lords Stanhope and Perceval dressed as doctors; Napoleon holds the commode. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1811.
- [The b]ook of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. [Th]e various and wonderful operations of the signs [a]nd planets, and other celestial constellations, [o]n the bodies of men, &c. and how to know [t]he planets. An abstract of the art of physiognomy, together [w]ith the interpretation of dreams, &c. The farmer’s kalendar: containing, 1. Perpetual [p]rognostications for weather. 2. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3. The compleat and experienced farrier and cow leech, &c. The dealer’s directory: containing the true form [o]f all sorts of bills, bonds, &c. Account of the …amp act. An account of weights, measures numbers, coins, &c. To which is added, the [k]nowledge of the moderns: Treating of dislocations, broken bones, recovering drowned persons, rules for bleeding, of the cure of agues, and the bite of a mad-dog, &c. the consequences of gaming, benefits of … &c.
- Markhams maister-peece·, or, What doth a horse-man lacke. : Containing all possible knowledge whatsoeuer which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorrances in horses; drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being deuided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall. The second whatsoeuer belongeth to chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of nor mentioned in any author before whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie simple spoken of through the whole worke. Reade me, practise me, and admire me. / Written by Geruase Markham gentleman.
- Markhams maister-peece· Or, VVhat doth a horse-man lacke : Containing all possible knowledge whatsoeuer which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorrances in horses; drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being deuided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall. The second whatsoeuer belongeth to chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any author before whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Geruase Markham Gentleman.
- The book of [k]nowledge: treating of the wisdom of the antients. In four parts. [I]. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations, on the bodies of men, &c. [II]. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physic and surgery. [III]. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmestry, together with the signification of moles, and interpretation of dreams, &c. [IV]. The farmer’s kalender: containing, 1. Perpetual prognostications for weather. 2. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3. The complete and experienced farrier and cow-leech, &c. Written by Erra Pater, a Jew, doctor in astronomy and physic, born in Bethany near Mount Olivet in Judea. Made English by W. Lily, student in physic and astrology. To which is added, the dealer’s directory. [Co]ntaining, 1. The true form of all sorts of bills, bonds, &c. the best method of getting in debts, and compounding them. 3. An account of weights, measures, numbers, coins; with divers other necessary things, and useful tables.
- Markhams maister-peece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses. : Drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second, all belonging to chirurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any authour whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the eighth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authours brest for his owne credit. / Written by Gervase Markham, Gent.
- Markhams maister-peece : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any authour whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the seventh time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast for his owne credit.
- The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful Operations of the Signs and Planets, and other Celestial Constellations on the Bodies of Men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the Body in Health; with several choice Receipts in Physick and Surgery. III. An Abstract of the Art of Physiognomy and Palmistry together with the Signification of Moles, and Interpretation of Dreams, &c. IV. The Farmer’s Kalender: Containing, 1. Perpetual Prognostications for Weather. 2. The whole Mystery of Husbandry. 3. The compleat and experienced Farrier and Cow-Leech, &c. Written by Erra Pater, a Jew Doctor in Astronomy, and Physick born in Bethany, near Mount Oliver, in Judea. Made English by W. Lilly, Student in Physick and Astrology. To which is added, the dealer’s directory: Containing. 1. The true Form of all Sorts of Bills, Bonds, Counter-Bonds, Indentures, Letters of Attorney and License, Deeds of Gifts, Bills of Exchange &c. 2. The best Method of getting in Debts, and compounding them. 3. An Account of Weights, Measures, Numbers, Coins, Tables and Shires, Post-Roads and principal Fairs, &c. A Catalogue of all the Markets, and Days on which they are held; with diverse other necessary Things and useful Tables.
- The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations on the bodies of men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physick and surgery. III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmestry, together with the signification of moles, and interpretation of dreams, &c. IV. The farmer’s kalender: containing, 1. Perpetual prognostications for weather. 2. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3. The compleat and experienc’d farrier and cow-leech, &c. Written by Errapater, a Jew, doctor in astronomy and physick, born in Bethany, near Mount Olivet in Judea: made English by W. …hey, student in physick and astrology. To which is added. The dealer’s directory; containing, 1. The true form of all sorts of bills, bonds, counter-bonds, indentures, letters of attorney and license; deeds of gifts, bills of exchange, &c. 2. The best method of getting in debts, and compounding them. 3. An account of weights, measures, numbers, coins, tables of shires, post-roads and principal fairs, &c. a catologue of all the markets, and days on which they are held; with divers other necessary things and useful tables.
- The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful Operations of the Signs and Planets, and other Celestial Constellations on the Bodies of Men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the Body in Health; with several choice Receipts in Physick and Surgery. III. An Abstract of the Art of Physiognomy and Palmestry, together with the Signification of Moles, and Interpretation of Dreams, &c. IV. The Farmer’s Kalendar: Containing, 1. Perpetual Prognostications for Weather. 2. The whole Mystery of Husbandry. 3. The Compleat and Experienc’d Farrier and Cow-Leech, &c. Written by Erra Pater, a Jew, Doctor in Astronomy and Physick, born in Bethany, near Mount Olivet, in Judea: made English by W. Lilley, Student in Physick and Astrology. To which is added, The dealer’s directory; Containing, 1. The true Form of all Sorts of Bills, Bonds, Gounter-Bonds, Indentures, Letters of Attorney and License, Deeds of Gifts, Bills of Exchange, &c. 2. The best Method of getting in Debts, and compounding them. 3. An Account of Weights, Measures, Numbers, Coins, Tables of Shires, Post-Roadsand principal Fairs, &c. A Catalogue of all the Markets, and Days on which they are held; with divers other necessary Things and useful Tables.
- Succinct practical observations on the effects of bloodletting : containing an investigation of the practice of general and local abstraction of blood ; also how far leeches may be efficacious, independently of the evacuation they produce : to which are added ob[s]ervations on visceral inflammation after parturition / by Edward Geoghegan.Date1833
- The book of knowledge: treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful Operations of the Signs and Planets, and other Celestial Constellations, on the Bodies of Men, &c. and the mighty Influences they have upon those that are born under them. II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the Body in Health; with several choice Receipts in Physick and Surgery. III. An Abstract of the Art of Physiognomy and Palmistry together with the Signification of Moles, and Interpretation of Dreams, &c. IV. The Farmer’s Kalendar: Containing, 1. Perpetual Prognostications for Weather. 2. The whole Mystery of Husbandry. 3. The Compleat and Experienc’d Farrier and Cow-Leech, &c. Written by Erra Pater, a Jew, Doctor in Astronomy and Physick, born in Bethany, near Mount Olivet, in Judea; made English by W. Lilly, Student in Physick and Astrology. To which is added, The dealer’s directory: Containing, 1. The true Form of all sorts of Bills, Bonds, Counter-Bonds, Indentures, Letters of Attorney and License, Deeds of Gifts, Bills of Exchange, &c. 2. The best Method of getting in Debts, and Compounding them. 3. An Account of Weights, Measures, Numbers, Coins, Tables of Shires, Post-Roads and Principal Fairs, &c. a Catalogue of all the Markets, and Days on which they are held; with divers other necessary Things and useful Tables:
- The chemists’ and dispensers’ vade mecum: medical, chemical, and pharmaceutical, or, Things worth knowing in pharmacy, materia medica, and therapeutics, containing a key to dispensing difficulties which occur in physicians’ prescriptions, with practical solutions by various members of the trade; also hints on prescribing, management of leeches, medicated lozenges, together with a large selection of useful formulary / by William Canning.
- The book of knowledge shewing the wisdom of the ancients in four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations on the bodies of men, women and children: and the great influences they have upon those that are born under them. II. Prognostications forever, necessary to keep the body in health: with several choice recipts in physick and surgery. III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmistry; together with the signification of moles, and interpretation of dreams. IV. The farmer’s kalender; containing perpetual prognostications for weather. The whole mystery of husbandry, the compleat and experienc’d farrier, cow-leech, swineherd, and shepherd. Written by Erra Pater, a Jewish doctor in astronomy and physick, born in Bethany, near Mount Olivet, in Judea; and made English by William Lilly, student in physick and astrology. To which is added, the dealer’s directory: containing the true form or all sorts of bills bonds, counter-bonds, letters of attorney and license, deeds of gift, bills of exchange, and other writings. The best method of getting in debts, and compounding them. An account of weights, measures, numbers, coins, tables of shires, post-roads, and principal fairs. A catalogue of all the markets, and days on which they are held, and divers other necessary things and tables. With several additions which were never publish’d in any of the former impressions of this book.
- Phlebotomiographia : or, a treatise of phlebotomy. Demonstrating the necessity of it in diseases; the time for elections. And likewise of the use and application of cupping-glasses, and leeches. Whereupon is added a brief and most methodicall tract of the crisis. Written originally in French, by Da de Plumis Campi chirurgion. And now faithfully rendred into English, by E.W. well-wisher to physick and chirurgery.
- [Phlebotomiographía], or, A treatise of phlebotomy : demonstrating the necessity of it in diseases; the time for elections. And likewise of the use and application of cupping-glasses, and leeches. Whereupon is added a brief and most methodicall tract of the crisis / Written originally in French, by Da de Plumis Campi ; and now faithfully rendred into English, by E.W. well-wisher to physick and chirurgery.
- The poor-mans physician and chyrurgion : containing above three hundred rare and choice receipts, for the cure of all distempers, both inward and outward: together with necessary considerations before purgation; easie rules for the opening of a vein, and the manner of bleeding by horse-leeches, with a method for drawing teeth. All being of great worth, and now published for the publique good: / by Lancelot Coelson student in Physick and Astrology.
- A short compendium of chirurgery : containing its grounds & principles : more particularly treating of imposthumes, wounds, ulcers, fractures & dislocations : also a discourse of the generation and birth of man, very necessary to be understood by all midwives and child-bearing women : with the several methods of curing the French pox, the cure of baldness, inflammation of the eyes, and toothach, and an account of blood-letting, cup-setting, and blooding with leeches / by J.S., M.D.
- Fraternal melody. Consisting of original odes, cantatas, and songs, for the use of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of free and accepted masons. The most noble Order of Bucks. The honorable Order of select Albions. The Honorable Lumber Troop. The Ancient Corporation of Stroud-Green. The Ancient Family of Leeches. The Worthy Court of Do-Right. The Free and Easy Counsellors under the Cauliflower, &c. &c. &c. Adapted to the most celebrated ballad tunes; and illustrated with Annotations, and Anecdotes of some of the Orders. To which is added, an ode, In Honor of the laudable Institution of the Protestant Charity-Schools. By William Riley, member of the several societies.
- A short compendium of chirurgery : containing its grounds & principles, more particularly treating of impostumes, wounds, ulcers, fractures, and dislocations. Also a discourse of the generation and birth of man, very necessary to be understood by all midwives and child-bearing women. With the several methods of curing the French pox: the cure of baldness, inflammation of the eyes, and toothach: and an account of blood-letting, cup-setting, and blooding with leeches. The second edition. To which is added, the art of rouling and bolstring: as it is taught by the best masters at Paris, and other places beyond sea. By J.S. M.D.
- A Book of fruits & flovvers : Shewing the nature and use of them, either for meat or medicine. As also: to preserve, conserve, candy, and in wedges, or dry them. To make powders, civet bagges, all sort of sugar-works, turn’d works in sugar, hollow or frutages; and to pickell them. And for meat. To make pyes, biscat, maid dishes, marchpanes, leeches, and snow, craknels, caudels, cakes, broths, fritter-stuffe, puddings, tarts, syrupes, and sallets. For medicines. To make all sorts of poultisses, and serecloaths for any member swell’d or inflamed, ointments, waters for all wounds, and cancers, salves for aches, to take the ague out of any place burning or scalding; for the stopping of suddain bleeding, curing the piles, ulcers, ruptures, coughs, consumptions, and killing of warts, to dissolve the stone, killing the ring-worme, emroids, and dropsie, paine in the ears and teeth, deafnesse.Date1653
- A discourse upon masonry. As spoken by the author when master of a lodge in England, in the year 1772, from the words of the Prophet Amos, Ch. i. v. 9. In which discourse is set forth masonry as it stood in the days of noab, and from his generation down to his present time. To which is added, fraternal melody, adapted for the members of the Royal Arch and Knights Templars. Consisting of original odes, cantatas, and songs, for the use of the members of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of free and accepted masons. The most noble order of Bucks. The honorable order of select Albions. The honorable Lumber Troop. The ancient corporation of Stroud-Green. The ancient family of Leeches. The worthy court of do-right. The free and easy counsellors under the cauliflower, &c. &c. &c. Adapted to the most celebrated ballad tunes; and illustrated with annotations, and anecdotes of some of the orders, with songs, toasts and sentiments.
- Face mask representing Hevaya, the soldier from the kolam pl
- A new design for the better administration of medical aid to the poor, upon the principles of national free dispensaries … proposed to be established in lieu of the present system of Poor Law medical relief / [George Wallis].
- Report respecting the past and present state of Brislington House, near Bristol : a private asylum for the insane / by Francis and Charles Fox.
- Report respecting the past and present state of Brislington House, near Bristol, a private asylum for the insane / by Francis and Charles Fox.Date[1865]
- Essays on various subjects connected with midwifery / by Thomas Radford.Date[1838?]
- The evidence taken on the inquiry into the management [by J.C. Bompas] of the Fishponds Private Lunatic Asylum / Order by the last Court of Quarter Sessions to be printed, and sent to every acting magistrate in the County of Gloucester.Date[1848]
- Shop sign advertising goods in a pharmacy, England, 1801-190
- On the structure of the human placenta, and its connections with the uterus, etc / [Thomas Radford].Date1832
- Surgical instrument set in wooden case, India, 1801-1900
- A further report from the Committee of Secrecy, Appointed to Enquire into the Conduct of Robert, Earl of Orford; During the last Ten Years of his being First Commissioner of the Treasury, and Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of his Majesty’s Exchequer. Delivered the 30th of June 1742.Date1742
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, as presented to the Town Council on the first January, 1864, together with the reports of the medical superintendent and chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1864
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, as presented to the Town Council on the first January, 1863, together with the reports of the medical superintendent and chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1863
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol for the year 1873, together with the reports of the medical superintendent & chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1874
- The garland of trials.Date[1775?]
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, together with the reports of the medical superintendent & chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1875
- An Excellent ballad, called, David and Bersheba.Date[between ca. 1755 and 1777?]
- Britannia’s charter a choice collection of new songs. Containing, 1 When Britain first, at Heaven’s command. Britons, where is your great Magnanimity? On Pleasure’s smooth Wings, &c. As bringing Home the other Day. 5 When dew-drops gild the weeping thorn.Date[1770?]
- The Siege of Troy: or, The history of the trojan wars. Containing, the birth, life, glorious actions, and death of hercules of Greece. The valiant deeds of the famous hector prince of Troy. The rape of fair Helan of Greece; and the last destruction of Troy, by the stratagem of the wooden horse. And lastly, the arrival of brute into Britain, the conquering albion and his Giants, and the building Troy-Novant, now London.Date[1760?]
- The Parent’s pious gift: or, A present for children. Set forth in a dialogue between a religious father and an extravagant son. Containing, dispute against bad company, pride, drunkenness, rioous [sic] living, and all the vanities of a vicious course of life, for which the young man strongly contended; till by the grace of God, and the eudeavours [sic] of his religious father, he was saved from death and destruction, and brought to the hope of life and immortality. Concluding with the young man’s Christian courage, and conquest over the tempter, who came to disturb him in his private closet when in tears and repenting. Being excellent pattern to set before all young persons in our present sinful times.Date[between ca. 1755 and 1777?]
- The history of Lawrence Lazy. Containing, his birth and slothful breeding.-How he served the schoolmaster, his wife, the ‘squire’s cook, and the farmer; which by the laws Lubberland was accounted high treason.-His arraignment and trial; and happy deliverance from the many treasons laid to his charge.Date[1760?]
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, together with the reports of the medical superintendent & chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1870
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, together with the reports of the medical superintendent & chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1871
- A collection of new songs. Containing, 1 The Jolly Gipsies. 2 Rural Felicity. 3 Toll Loll de Roll. 4 Spring.Date[1760?]
- Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, as presented to the Town Council on the first January, 1865, together with the reports of the medical superintendent and chaplain / Bristol Lunatic Asylum.Date1865
- Collection of new songs. Containing, 1 The jolly young waterman. 2 King James and the Tinker. 3 Hark, hark! the joy inspiring horn. 4 The huntsman’s began, &c.Date[1760?]
- Horae subsecivae / by John Brown.Date1882
- Charterhouse School, Godalming, Surrey: Founder’s Day dinner, coat of arms, important school plaques and people. Wood engraving by W. Collins, 1883.Date27 December 1883Reference17867i
- An excellent new ballad,Date[1765?]
- A new century of inventions: being designs and descriptions of one hundred machines, relating to arts, manufactures, and domestic life / By James White.Date1822
- Fairy Tales. Containing, I. The blue bird and florina. 2. The King of the Peacocks and Rosetta. Wherunto [sic] is added, an excellent new-song, entitled. The fairies dance.Date[1780?]
- A collection of new songs. Containing, 1. Saunders’s Ghost. 2. The Golden Glove. 3. The Banks of the Dee. 4. Plato’s Advice. 5. A. Hunting Song.Date[1780?]
- Two sermons, adapted to the present situation of public affairs; preached in the cathedral church of Chester; the first April 15th, the second September 23d, 1794, at the opening of the Spring and Autumn assizes for the county palatine of Chester. Dedicated, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. By the Rev. Peter Halsted, Rector of Grappenhall.DateMDCCXCIV. [1794]
- Annual address to the Royal College of Physicians on Monday, April 1st, 1901 / by Sir William S. Church.Date1901
- A sermon preach’d in the Parish Church of St. Oswald in Chester. at the Assizes, August 1, 1749. Before the Honourable Mr. Sergeant Skinner, chief justice, and the Honourable John Talbot, Esq; second judge of Chester. By Joseph Ward, A.M. Vicar of Presthury. Publish’d at the request of the Honourable and Reverend the judges, the high-sheriff, &c.
- A plea for beasts, against the Barbarities of Man; or the late orders of council freely examined: design’d for the use of Lancashire and Cheshire farmers: with an account of a scheme very beneficial to them: Suited to the Times.DateMDCCXLIX. [1749]
- The duty of rendring to all their dues consider’d. A sermon, preach’d in the Cathedral Church of Chester; on Wednesday January 30, 1750. By Abel Ward, A.M. prebendary of Chester.
- The annual address : delivered to the Royal College of Physicians of London on Monday, March 19, 1951 / by the President, W. Russell Brain.
- Sermons on various subjects. And prayers suited to several occasions. By the late Reverend Mr. John Holland, Author of two Sermons on Intemperance. Published from the author’s manuscript, at the Request of many of the Subscribers. In two volumes.
- Drug Packaging ephemera. Box 7.
- Drinks ephemera : Coffee. Box 1.
- Drinks ephemera : Tea. Box 1.
- ‘Druce, G Claridge’Date1913ReferenceWA/HMM/CO/Ear/233Part ofWellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
- Johnson, James RawlinsDate1821ReferenceMS.1164/42Part ofBidault de Villiers, F. T. (1775-1824)
- ‘Simpson, J’Date1917ReferenceWA/HMM/CO/Ear/877Part ofWellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
- A talisman against pestilance
- [Kni-Len]Datemid 20th centuryReferenceWA/HMM/CM/Inv/B.8Part ofWellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
- Deficiencies in the English medical vocabulary / by S.N. Gaño.
- A little boy attempting to serve a customer in a pharmacy. Pen drawing, 1846.Date1846Reference16143i
- Horae subsecivae / by John Brown, M.D.
- [Scrapbook]Date1893-1909ReferenceWA/HSW/ME/A.4Part ofPersonal papers of Henry Solomon Wellcome (1853-1936)
- Entozoorum, sive vermium intestinalium historia naturalis / [Karl Asmund Rudolphi].
- Bethnal Green PapersDate1978ReferenceSA/DRS/B/1/28aPart ofDrugScope
- Medieval Science in England. A 15th century
- Medieval Science in England. A 15th century
- Buildings and alumni of Charterhouse, London and Surrey. Colour lithograph by Beynon & Company after [H. Hale].Reference24670i
- Instruments and techniques for bloodletting and for surgical operations on the hands and feet. Etching by F. Sesone, 1749, after L. Heister.Date[1749]Reference2829955i
- Doktor-bog for Christian Daugaard i Carlstrup Skole 1812 / med introduktion og tekstforklaring udg. of Dansk farmacihistorisk selskab.Date1973
- The Sudan: treatment of pneumonia by cupping with a horn. Photograph by R.G. Archibald, 1911.Date1911Reference494848iPart ofArchibald, Robert George, Sir, 1880-1953.
- A skeleton gentleman at a ball asks a skeleton lady to dance; representing the effect of arsenical dyes and pigments in clothing and accessories. Wood engraving, 1862.DateFebruary 8, 1862Reference36772i
- A railway speculator (James Plush, Jeames de la Pluche) sitting at a table handing out railway share certificates to people (?). Wood engraving, 1845.Date[1845?]Reference31557i
- Pharmacopoeia in usum nosocomii Mancuniensis.DateMDCCCXL
- Vaginismus and other medical satires / [Harold L. Klawans].Date1982
- A man frightened by his own shadow. Wood engraving, 18–.Date1800-1899Reference11530i
- The art of England : lectures given in Oxford / by John Ruskin during his second tenure of the Slade professorship.
- Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England : being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest / collected and edited by the Rev. Oswald Cockayne.Date1864-1866
- Witnesses (verbatim notes of evidence)Date26 Apr 1972ReferenceSA/ALR/C.78Part ofAbortion Law Reform Association
- Filthy cities. Part 1, Medieval London.Date2011
- Oversize ephemera. EPH+7.
- ‘L’Date1929ReferenceWA/HMM/CO/Chr/F.16Part ofWellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
- ABC of drug addiction : a collection of articles, most of which appeared in Community health, September-October, 1969, and November-December, 1969.Date1970
- ‘Autographs Medical’: correspondence with professional colleaguesDate1934-1985ReferencePP/PRE/B.2Part ofEvans, Philip Rainsford (1910-1990), and Barbara (nee Hay-Cooper) (1909-1995)
- Heads will roll : decapitation in the medieval and early modern imagination / edited by Larissa Tracy and Jeff Massey.Date[2012], ©2012
- Manson’s tropical diseases.Date2009
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