I discovered how to earn up to $180,000 per year by pooping – New York Post
Why do they offer such a massive sum for excrement? The site explains: “It is a major problem that the vast majority of people in modern society are in poor health and have damaged gut microbiome.” To help maintain people’s fecal-librium, Human Microbes is trying to find “people who are healthy enough to be high-quality stool donors, and connect them with doctors, researchers, clinical trials and individuals who need to re-balance their gut microbiome.” They then harvest their dung — the easiest way to collect gut microbes — and use it for research or procedures to battle deadly gut infections. To see if their feces are fit for the job, contributors must undergo a series of crap-lications, including filling out a “screening questionnaire.” They also must undergo a test to verify their “stool type and physical fitness,” and complete a video interview. According to Human Microbes, prospective poop donors must be in the “tiny 0.1% of people who are still healthy enough to qualify as a high-quality stool donor,” per the site. This means being in “exceptional physical and mental health” — top athletes are best — and under 30, although there is no minimum age requirement. Minimal antibiotic usage is also a must, so you don’t upset the balance of the fecal system.
Ben Cost I discovered how to earn up to $180,000 per year by pooping – New York Post https://nypost.com/2022/10/28/i-discovered-how-to-earn-up-to-180k-per-year-by-pooping/ October 28, 2022
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