A two-dimensional female figure/nurse made of mixed media holding a limp horizontal figure made of a tube of zinc white paint with arms on a textile background bearing the letters ‘SIDA’ in each corner; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph [by Eduardo Ponjuán and René Francisco], ca. 1995
By multi-media Cuban-born artists Eduardo Ponjuán and René Francisco who work together according to similar poster found on http://fons.upv.es – Figure’s skirt is edged with a wooden ruler and outlined with rope forms;; her arms are painted and chalked to create a two-tone effect; white beads [?] divide her upper body and painted white marks [?] define her head scarf; a folding ruler forms one leg, while the other is a laced boot. The limp white figure suggests someone who is ill/dead from AIDS; the female figure, their nurse
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