Scalenohedral – Scalenohedron-shaped, pointy ends
Common examples include: calcite, rhodochrosite, titanite
In crystallography, “regular” right “symmetric” “didigonal” (8-faced) and ditrigonal (12-faced) scalenohedra exist. The smallest geometric scalenohedra have eight faces, and are topologically identical to the regular octahedron. In this case (2n = 2×2), in crystallography, a “regular” right “symmetric” “didigonal” (8-faced) scalenohedron is called a tetragonal scalenohedron.
- The 48 Special Crystal Forms”. 18 September 2013. Archived from the original on 18 September 2013. Retrieved 18 November 2020.
- “Crystal Form, Zones, Crystal Habit”. Retrieved 16 September 2017.
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