
Streptomyces is the largest antibiotic-producing genus, producing antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic drugs, and also a wide range of other bioactive compounds, such as immunosuppressants.

Streptomyces is the largest genus of Actinomycetota, and the type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae. Over 700 species of Streptomyces bacteria have been described.

As with the other Actinomycetota, streptomycetes are gram-positive, and have very large genomes with high GC content

Found predominantly in soil and decaying vegetation, most streptomycetes produce spores, and are noted for their distinct “earthy” odor that results from production of a volatile metabolitegeosmin.

Different strains of the same species may colonize very diverse environments.

Streptomycetes are characterised by a complex secondary metabolism. Between 5-23% (average: 12%) of the protein-coding genes of each Streptomyces species are implicated in secondary metabolism.

Streptomycetes produce over two-thirds of the clinically useful antibiotics of natural origin (e.g., neomycinstreptomycincypemycingrisemycinbottromycins and chloramphenicol).

The antibiotic streptomycin takes its name directly from Streptomyces. Streptomycetes are infrequent pathogens, though infections in humans, such as mycetoma, can be caused by S. somaliensis and S. sudanensis, and in plants can be caused by S. caviscabiesS. acidiscabiesS. turgidiscabies and S. scabies.


See also: List of Streptomyces species

Streptomyces is the type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae and currently covers more than 700 species with the number increasing every year. It is estimated that the total number of Streptomyces species is close to 1600.

Acidophilic and acid-tolerant strains that were initially classified under this genus have later been moved to Kitasatospora (1997)  and Streptacidiphilus (2003). Species nomenclature are usually based on their color of hyphae and spores.

Saccharopolyspora erythraea was formerly placed in this genus (as Streptomyces erythraeus).


The genus Streptomyces includes aerobicGram-positive, multicellular, filamentous bacteria that produce well-developed vegetative hyphae (between 0.5-2.0 µm in diameter) with branches. They form a complex substrate mycelium that aids in scavenging organic compounds from their substrates. Although the mycelia and the aerial hyphae that arise from them are amotile, mobility is achieved by dispersion of spores. Spore surfaces may be hairy, rugose, smooth, spiny or warty. In some species, aerial hyphae consist of long, straight filaments, which bear 50 or more spores at more or less regular intervals, arranged in whorls (verticils). Each branch of a verticil produces, at its apex, an umbel, which carries from two to several chains of spherical to ellipsoidal, smooth or rugose spores. Some strains form short chains of spores on substrate hyphae. Sclerotia-, pycnidia-, sporangia-, and synnemata-like structures are produced by some strains.


The complete genome of “S. coelicolor strain A3(2)” was published in 2002. At the time, the “S. coelicolor” genome was thought to contain the largest number of genes of any bacterium. The chromosome is 8,667,507 bp long with a GC-content of 72.1%, and is predicted to contain 7,825 protein-encoding genes.

In terms of taxonomy, “S. coelicolor A3(2)” belongs to the species S. violaceoruber, and is not a validly described separate species; “S. coelicolor A3(2)” is not to be mistaken for the actual S. coelicolor (Müller), although it is often referred to as S. coelicolor for convenience. The transcriptome and translatome analyses of the strain A3(2) were published in 2016.

The first complete genome sequence of S. avermitilis was completed in 2003. Each of these genomes forms a chromosome with a linear structure, unlike most bacterial genomes, which exist in the form of circular chromosomes. The genome sequence of S. scabies, a member of the genus with the ability to cause potato scab disease, has been determined at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. At 10.1 Mbp long and encoding 9,107 provisional genes, it is the largest known Streptomyces genome sequenced, probably due to the large pathogenicity island. Pathogenicity islands (PAIs), as termed in 1990, are a distinct class of genomic islands acquired by microorganisms through horizontal gene transfer (the movement of genetic material between unicellular and/or multicellular organisms other than by the “vertical” transmission of DNA from parent to offspring).  Pathogenicity islands are found in both animal and plant pathogens. Additionally, PAIs are found in both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. They are transferred through horizontal gene transfer events such as transfer by a plasmidphage, or conjugative transposon. Therefore, PAIs contribute to microorganisms’ ability to evolve. One species of bacteria may have more than one PAI. For example, Salmonella has at least five.[citation needed] An analogous genomic structure in rhizobia is termed a symbiosis island.)

The genomes of the various Streptomyces species demonstrate remarkable plasticity, via ancient single gene duplications, block duplications (mainly at the chromosomal arms) and horizontal gene transfer. The size of their chromosome varies from 5.7-12.1 Mbps (average: 8.5 Mbps), the number of chromosomally encoded proteins varies from 4983-10,112 (average: 7130), whereas their high GC content varies from 68.8-74.7% (average: 71.7%). The 95% soft-core proteome of the genus consists of approximately 2000-2400 proteins. The pangenome is open.

In addition, significant genomic plasticity is observed even between strains of the same species, where the number of accessory proteins (at the species level) ranges from 250 to more than 3000. Intriguingly, a correlation has been observed between the number of carbohydrate-active enzymes and secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters (siderophores, e-Polylysin and type III lanthipeptides) that are related to competition among bacteria, in Streptomyces species. Streptomycetes are major biomass degraders, mainly via their carbohydrate-active enzymes.

Thus, they also need to evolve an arsenal of siderophores and antimicrobial agents to suppress competition by other bacteria in these nutrient-rich environments that they create. Several evolutionary analyses have revealed that the majority of evolutionarily stable genomic elements are localized mainly at the central region of the chromosome, whereas the evolutionarily unstable elements tend to localize at the chromosomal arms.

Thus, the chromosomal arms emerge as the part of the genome that is mainly responsible for rapid adaptation at both the species and strain level.


Biotechnology researchers have used Streptomyces species for heterologous expression of proteins. Traditionally, Escherichia coli was the species of choice to express eukaryotic genes, since it was well understood and easy to work with.

  • Brawner M, Poste G, Rosenberg M, Westpheling J (October 1991). “Streptomyces: a host for heterologous gene expression”. Current Opinion in Biotechnology2 (5): 674–81. doi:10.1016/0958-1669(91)90033-2PMID 1367716.
  • Payne GF, DelaCruz N, Coppella SJ (July 1990). “Improved production of heterologous protein from Streptomyces lividans”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology33 (4): 395–400. doi:10.1007/BF00176653PMID 1369282S2CID 19287805.

Expression of eukaryotic proteins in E. coli may be problematic. Sometimes, proteins do not fold properly, which may lead to insolubility, deposition in inclusion bodies, and loss of bioactivity of the product. Though E. coli strains have secretion mechanisms, these are of low efficiency and result in secretion into the periplasmic space, whereas secretion by a Gram-positive bacterium such as a Streptomyces species results in secretion directly into the extracellular medium. In addition, Streptomyces species have more efficient secretion mechanisms than E.coli. The properties of the secretion system is an advantage for industrial production of heterologously expressed protein because it simplifies subsequent purification steps and may increase yield. These properties among others make Streptomyces spp. an attractive alternative to other bacteria such as E. coli and Bacillus subtilis.

  • Binnie C, Cossar JD, Stewart DI (August 1997). “Heterologous biopharmaceutical protein expression in Streptomyces”. Trends in Biotechnology15 (8): 315–20. doi:10.1016/S0167-7799(97)01062-7PMID 9263479.

In addition, the inherently high genomic instability suggests that the various Streptomycetes genomes may be amenable to extensive genome reduction for the construction of synthetic minimal genomes with industrial applications.

Plant pathogenic bacteria

So far, different species belonging to this genus have been found to be pathogenic to plants:[12]

  1. S. scabiei
  2. S. acidiscabies
  3. S. europaeiscabiei
  4. S. luridiscabiei
  5. S. niveiscabiei
  6. S. puniciscabiei
  7. S. reticuliscabiei
  8. S. stelliscabiei
  9. S. turgidiscabies (scab disease in potatoes)
  10. S. ipomoeae (soft rot disease in sweet potatoes)
  11. Streptomyces brasiliscabiei (first species identified in Brazil)[34]
  12. Streptomyces hilarionis and Streptomyces hayashii (new species identified in Brazil)[35]


Streptomyces is the largest antibiotic-producing genus, producing antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic drugs, and also a wide range of other bioactive compounds, such as immunosuppressants.

Almost all of the bioactive compounds produced by Streptomyces are initiated during the time coinciding with the aerial hyphal formation from the substrate mycelium.


See also: Polyene antimycotic

Streptomycetes produce numerous antifungal compounds of medicinal importance, including nystatin (from S. noursei), amphotericin B (from S. nodosus), and natamycin (from S. natalensis).


Members of the genus Streptomyces are the source for numerous antibacterial pharmaceutical agents; among the most important of these are:

Clavulanic acid (from S. clavuligerus) is a drug used in combination with some antibiotics (like amoxicillin) to block and/or weaken some bacterial-resistance mechanisms by irreversible beta-lactamase inhibition. Novel antiinfectives currently being developed include Guadinomine (from Streptomyces sp. K01-0509), a compound that blocks the Type III secretion system of Gram-negative bacteria.

Antiparasitic drugs

S. avermitilis is responsible for the production of one of the most widely employed drugs against nematode and arthropod infestations, avermectin, and thus its derivatives including ivermectin.


Saptomycins D and E

Less commonly, streptomycetes produce compounds used in other medical treatments: migrastatin (from S. platensis) and bleomycin (from S. verticillus) are antineoplastic (anticancer) drugs; boromycin (from S. antibioticus) exhibits antiviral activity against the HIV-1 strain of HIV, as well as antibacterial activity. Staurosporine (from S. staurosporeus) also has a range of activities from antifungal to antineoplastic (via the inhibition of protein kinases).

The international pictogram for chemicals that are sensitising, mutagenic, carcinogenic or toxic to reproduction

S. hygroscopicus and S. viridochromogenes produce the natural herbicide bialaphos. Bialaphos is a protoxin and nontoxic as is. When it is metabolized by the plant, the glutamic acid analog glufosinate is released which inhibits glutamine synthetase. This results in the accumulation of ammonium and disruption of primary metabolism. Bialaphos is made up of two alanine residues and glufosinate, and is commonly used as a selection marker in plants. Glufosinate is a United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA registered chemical. It is also a California registered chemical. It is not banned in the country and it is not a PIC pesticide. There are no exposure limits established by OSHA or the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Glufosinate is not approved for use as an herbicide in Europe; it was last reviewed in 2007 and that registration expired in 2018. It has been withdrawn from the French market since October 24, 2017 by the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail due to its classification as a possible reprotoxic chemical (R1b). Reproductive toxicity refers to the potential risk from a given chemical, physical or biologic agent to adversely affect both male and female fertility as well as offspring development. Reproductive toxicants may adversely affect sexual function, ovarian failure, fertility as well as causing developmental toxicity in the offspring. Resistance plasmids include pGreenII 0229 and pGreenII 0229 62-SK. pGreenII 0229 is derived from pGreenII 0000, a nos-bar cassette has been inserted into the HpaI site of the left border, providing resistance to bialaphos or phosphinothricin during plant transformation selection. pGreenII 0229 62-SK is derived from pGreenII 0229, the LacZ blue/white cloning selection has been replaced with a 35S-MCSCaMV cassette that allows the insertion of a gene of interest into a 35S overexpression cassette. Phosalacine is a related tripeptide.

Saptomycins are chemical compounds isolated from Streptomyces.


Sirex wasps cannot perform all of their own cellulolytic functions and so some Streptomyces do so in symbiosis with the wasps. Book et al. have investigated several of these symbioses. Book et al., 2014 and Book et al., 2016 identify several lytic isolates. The 2016 study isolates Streptomyces sp. Amel2xE9 and Streptomyces sp. LamerLS-31b and finds that they are equal in activity to the previously identified Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E.

See also


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Further reading

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Taxon identifiersWikidataQ1144013WikispeciesStreptomycesCoL7P7FEoL83069EPPO1STREGFungorum27349GBIF2584528iNaturalist356564IRMNG1277502ITIS189411LPSNstreptomyces.htmlMycoBank27349NBNBMSSYS0000732135NCBI1883NZOR: 43ff7b28-2ed7-4261-bd95-1946d7c2bbcfPlazi03F98792-895C-FFE0-FF85-C480FD03FD38WoRMS178078


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