Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is divided into acute and chronic forms

Mouse colon impacted by acute graft-versus-host disease

Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is a syndrome, characterized by inflammation in different organs. GvHD is commonly associated with bone marrow transplants and stem cell transplants.

Not to be confused with Host-versus-graft disease.

White blood cells of the donor’s immune system which remain within the donated tissue (the graft) recognize the recipient (the host) as foreign (non-self). The white blood cells present within the transplanted tissue then attack the recipient’s body’s cells, which leads to GvHD. This should not be confused with a transplant rejection, which occurs when the immune system of the transplant recipient rejects the transplanted tissue; GvHD occurs when the donor’s immune system’s white blood cells reject the recipient. The underlying principle (alloimmunity) is the same, but the details and course may differ.

GvHD can also occur after a blood transfusion, known as Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease or TA-GvHD if the blood products used have not been gamma irradiated or treated with an approved leukocyte reduction system. In contrast to organ/tissue transplant associated GvHD, the incidence of TA-GvHD is increased with HLA matching (first-degree or close relatives).


In the clinical setting, graft-versus-host disease is divided into acute and chronic forms, and scored or graded on the basis of the tissue affected and the severity of the reaction.

Micrographs of grades of skin graft-versus-host-disease: The outcome of the skin explant assay is histopathological damage ranging from grade I GvHR (with minimal vacuolization in the epidermis) to grade II GvHR (with vacuolization and dyskeratotic bodies) to grade III GvHR (with sub epidermal cleft formation) and finally to grade IV GvHR (with separation of the dermis from the epidermis).

In the classical sense, acute graft-versus-host disease is characterized by selective damage to the liverskin (rash), mucosa, and the gastrointestinal tract. Newer research indicates that other graft-versus-host disease target organs include the immune system (the hematopoietic system, e.g., the bone marrow and the thymus) itself, and the lungs in the form of immune-mediated pneumonitis. Biomarkers can be used to identify specific causes of GvHD, such as elafin in the skin. Chronic graft-versus-host disease also attacks the above organs, but over its long-term course can also cause damage to the connective tissue and exocrine glands.

Elafin, also known as peptidase inhibitor 3 or skin-derived antileukoprotease (SKALP), is a protein that in humans is encoded by the PI3 gene. This gene encodes an elastase-specific protease inhibitor, which contains a WAP-type four-disulfide core (WFDC) domain, and is thus a member of the WFDC domain family. Most WFDC gene members are localized to chromosome 20q12-q13 in two clusters: centromeric and telomeric. This gene belongs to the centromeric cluster. Elafin has been found to have utility in serving as a biomarker for graft versus host disease of the skin. Elafin plays some role in gut inflammation. 

Mucosal damage to the vagina can result in severe pain and scarring, and appears in both acute and chronic GvHD. This can result in an inability to have sexual intercourse.


The acute or fulminant form of the disease (aGvHD) is normally observed within the first 10 to 100 days post-transplant, and is a major challenge to transplants owing to associated morbidity and mortality. About one-third to one-half of allogeneic transplant recipients will develop acute GvHD. It is less common in younger patients and in those with closer human leukocyte antigens (HLA) matches between donor and the patient.

The first signs are usually a rash, burning, and redness of the skin on the palms and soles. This can spread over the entire body. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea (watery and sometimes bloody), loss of appetite, jaundice, abdominal pain, and weight loss.

Acute GvHD of the GI tract can result in severe intestinal inflammation, sloughing of the mucosal membrane, severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. This is typically diagnosed via intestinal biopsy. Liver GvHD is measured by the bilirubin level in acute patients. Skin GvHD results in a diffuse red maculopapular rash, sometimes in a lacy pattern.

Acute GvHD is staged as follows: overall grade (skin-liver-gut) with each organ staged individually from a low of 1 to a high of 4. Patients with grade IV GvHD usually have a poor prognosis. If the GvHD is severe and requires intense immunosuppression involving steroids and additional agents to get under control, the patient may develop severe infections as a result of the immunosuppression and may die of infection. However, a 2016 study found that the prognosis for patients with grade IV GvHD has improved in recent years.


The chronic form of graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) normally begins 90 to 600 days post-transplant. The appearance of moderate to severe cases of cGVHD adversely influences long-term survival.

The first symptom of cGvHD is commonly a rash on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet, and the rash can spread and is usually itchy and dry. In severe cases, the skin may blister and peel, like a bad sunburn. A fever may also develop.

Other symptoms of chronic GVHD can include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal (belly) cramps
  • Weight loss
  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Enlarged liver
  • Bloated abdomen (belly)
  • Pain in the upper right part of the abdomen (belly)
  • Increased levels of liver enzymes in the blood (seen on blood tests)
  • Skin that feels tight
  • Dry, burning eyes
  • Dryness or painful sores in the mouth
  • Burning sensations when eating acidic foods
  • Bacterial infections
  • Blockages in the smaller airways of the lungs

In the oral cavity, chronic graft-versus-host disease manifests as lichen planus with a higher risk of malignant transformation to oral squamous cell carcinoma in comparison to the classical oral lichen planus. Oral cancer associated with graft-versus-host disease may have more aggressive behavior with poorer prognosis, when compared to oral cancer in non-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients.


GvHD pathology – Reddy, P. and Ferrara, J.L.M., Mouse models of graft-versus-host disease (February 28, 2009), StemBook, ed. The Stem Cell Research Community, StemBook, doi/10.3824/stembook.1.36.1, . – [1] Direct StemBook Figure 1 Three phases of GVHD immuno-biology Reddy, P. and Ferrara, J.L.M., Mouse models of graft-versus-host disease (February 28, 2009), StemBook, ed. The Stem Cell Research Community, StemBook, doi/10.3824/stembook.1.36.1, .

Three criteria, known as the Billingham criteria, must be met in order for GvHD to occur.

  • Billingham RE (1966). “The biology of graft-versus-host reactions”. Harvey Lectures62 (62): 21–78. PMID 4875305.

After bone marrow transplantation, T cells present in the graft, either as contaminants or intentionally introduced into the host, attack the tissues of the transplant recipient after perceiving host tissues as antigenically foreign. The T cells produce an excess of cytokines, including TNF-α and interferon-gamma (IFNγ). A wide range of host antigens can initiate graft-versus-host disease, among them the human leukocyte antigens (HLA). However, graft-versus-host disease can occur even when HLA-identical siblings are the donors. HLA-identical siblings or HLA-identical unrelated donors often have genetically different proteins (called minor histocompatibility antigens) that can be presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules to the donor’s T-cells, which see these antigens as foreign and so mount an immune response.

Antigens most responsible for graft loss are HLA-DR (first six months), HLA-B (first two years), and HLA-A (long-term survival).

While donor T-cells are undesirable as effector cells of graft-versus-host disease, they are valuable for engraftment by preventing the recipient’s residual immune system from rejecting the bone marrow graft (host-versus-graft). In addition, as bone marrow transplantation is frequently used to treat cancer, mainly leukemias, donor T-cells have proven to have a valuable graft-versus-tumor effect. A great deal of current research on allogeneic bone marrow transplantation involves attempts to separate the undesirable graft-vs-host disease aspects of T-cell physiology from the desirable graft-versus-tumor effect.

Transfusion-associated GvHD

Main article: Transfusion-associated graft versus host disease

This type of GvHD is associated with transfusion of un-irradiated blood to immunocompromised recipients. It can also occur in situations in which the blood donor is homozygous and the recipient is heterozygous for an HLA haplotype. It is associated with higher mortality (80–90%) due to involvement of bone marrow lymphoid tissue, however the clinical manifestations are similar to GVHD resulting from bone marrow transplantation. Transfusion-associated GvHD is rare in modern medicine. It is almost entirely preventable by controlled irradiation of blood products to inactivate the white blood cells (including lymphocytes) within.

Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (TA-GvHD) is a rare complication of blood transfusion, in which the immunologically competent donor T lymphocytes mount an immune response against the recipient’s lymphoid tissue. These donor lymphocytes engraft, recognize recipient cells as foreign and mount an immune response against recipient tissues. Donor lymphocytes are usually identified as foreign and destroyed by the recipient’s immune system. However, in situations where the recipient is severely immunocompromised, or when the donor and recipient HLA type is similar (as can occur in directed donations from first-degree relatives), the recipient’s immune system is not able to destroy the donor lymphocytes. This can result in transfusion associated graft-versus-host disease. This is in contrast with organ/tissue transplant associated GvHD, where matching HLA reduces the incident of the complication. The clinical presentation is the same as GvHD occurring in other settings, such as bone marrow transplantation. TA-GvHD can develop two days to six weeks after the transfusion.

Typical symptoms include:

Other symptoms can include cough, abdominal pain, dyspnea and vomiting.

Laboratory findings include pancytopenia, marrow aplasia, abnormal liver enzymes, and electrolyte imbalance (when diarrhea is present).[citation needed] TA-GvHD can be suspected from a biopsy of the affected skin or liver, and established by HLA analysis of the circulating lymphocytes. This testing can identify circulating lymphocytes with a different HLA type than the tissue cells of the host.[citation needed]

Prevention includes gamma irradiation of the lymphocyte-containing blood components such as red blood cells, platelets and granulocytes. Irradiated blood components should be issued in the following situations:

  • Intrauterine transfusions
  • Prematurity, low birthweight, or erythroblastosis fetalis in newborns
  • Congenital immunodeficiencies
  • Certain hematologic malignancies (e.g. Hodgkin lymphoma)
  • Patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Components that are HLA matched, or directed donations from a family member
  • Patients receiving fludarabine therapy
  • Patients receiving granulocyte transfusions

Treatment is supportive. No available form of therapy has proven effective in treating TA-GvHD and it is fatal in more than 90% of cases. The most common causes of death in TA-GvHD are infections and hemorrhages secondary to pancytopenia and liver dysfunction.[citation needed]

The incidence of TA-GvHD in immunocompromised patients receiving blood transfusions is estimated to be 0.1–1.0%, and mortality around 80–90%. Mortality is higher in TA-GvHD than in GvHD associated with bone marrow transplantation, where the engrafted lymphoid cells in the bone marrow are of donor origin (in autotransplant) and therefore the immune reaction is not directed against them.[citation needed]

In 2023, the first case of fetal-induced GvHD was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Thymus transplantation

Thymus transplantation may be said to be able to cause a special type of GvHD because the recipient’s thymocytes would use the donor thymus cells as models when going through the negative selection to recognize self-antigens, and could therefore still mistake own structures in the rest of the body for being non-self. This is a rather indirect GvHD because it is not directly cells in the graft itself that causes it but cells in the graft that make the recipient’s T cells act like donor T cells. It can be seen as a multiple-organ autoimmunity in xenotransplantation experiments of the thymus between different species. Autoimmune disease is a frequent complication after human allogeneic thymus transplantation, found in 42% of subjects over one year post-transplantation. However, this is partially explained by the fact that the indication itself, that is, complete DiGeorge syndrome, increases the risk of autoimmune disease.

Thymoma-associated multiorgan autoimmunity (TAMA)

A GvHD-like disease called thymoma-associated multiorgan autoimmunity (TAMA) can occur in patients with thymoma. In these patients rather than a donor being a source of pathogenic T cells, the patient’s own malignant thymus produces self-directed T cells. This is because the malignant thymus is incapable of appropriately educating developing thymocytes to eliminate self-reactive T cells. The result is a disease virtually indistinguishable from GvHD.

  • Wadhera A, Maverakis E, Mitsiades N, Lara PN, Fung MA, Lynch PJ (October 2007). “Thymoma-associated multiorgan autoimmunity: a graft-versus-host-like disease”. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology57 (4): 683–9. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2007.02.027PMID 17433850.
Hands of a patient with Thymoma-associated multiorgan autoimmunity.

Thymoma-associated multiorgan autoimmunity (TAMA) is a severe often fatal disease that presents in some patients with thymoma. It has also been referred to in the medical literature as “thymoma-associated graft-versus-host-like disease“. Patients with TAMA present with variable combinations of a morbilliform skin eruption, chronic diarrhea, and abnormal liver enzymes. The histopathology of the skin, liver, or bowel mucosa resembles GVHD.

Thymoma is a common neoplasm arising from the thymus, the primary lymphoid organ where T cells become educated to distinguish “self” from “non self”. In the setting of thymoma, abnormal thymic education occurs as a result of subtle differences in antigen processing. In TAMA these differences result in autoreactive T cells escaping from the thymus. This results in a condition similar to graft-versus-host disease.

Patients often have a refractory disease course but some patients may respond to phototherapy.

This disease name was coined by Emanual Maverakis and described in detail in 2007 but case reports of graft-versus-host-like disease in the setting of thymoma date back to at least the mid 1990s.


The pathophysiology of GvHD includes three phases:

  1. The afferent phase: activation of APC (antigen presenting cells)
  2. The efferent phase: activation, proliferation, differentiation and migration of effector cells
  3. The effector phase: target tissue destruction

Activation of APC occurs in the first stage of GvHD. Prior to haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, radiation or chemotherapy results in damage and activation of host tissues, especially intestinal mucosa. This allows the microbial products to enter and stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF-α. These proinflammatory cytokines increase the expression of MHC and adhesion molecules on APCs, thereby increasing the ability of APC to present antigen. The second phase is characterized by the activation of effector cells. Activation of donor T-cells further enhances the expression of MHC and adhesion molecules, chemokines and the expansion of CD8 + and CD4 + T-cells and guest B-cells. In the final phase, these effector cells migrate to target organs and mediate tissue damage, resulting in multiorgan failure.




Intravenously administered glucocorticoids, such as prednisone, are the standard of care in acute GvHD and chronic GVHD.

The use of these glucocorticoids is designed to suppress the T-cell-mediated immune onslaught on the host tissues; however, in high doses, this immune-suppression raises the risk of infections and cancer relapse. Therefore, it is desirable to taper off the post-transplant high-level steroid doses to lower levels, at which point the appearance of mild GVHD may be welcome, especially in HLA mis-matched patients, as it is typically associated with a graft-versus-tumor effect.[citation needed].

While glucocorticoids remain the first line of treatment for acute GVHD, only about 50% of patients respond to treatment, otherwise having steroid-refractory GVHD (SR-GVHD). An increasing number of recent treatment options for SR-GVHD have been investigated, such as extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP), mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs), fecal microbial transplantation (FMT), and the medication Ruxolitinib.

Steroid-sparing immunosuppression/immunomodulation

Cyclosporine and tacrolimus are calcineurin inhibitors. The substances are structurally different but have the same mechanism of action. Cyclosporine binds to the cytosolic protein peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (known as cyclophilin), while tacrolimus binds to the cytosolic protein peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP12. These complexes inhibit calcineurin, block dephosphorylation of the transcription factor NFAT of activated T-cells and its translocation into the nucleus. Standard prophylaxis involves the use of cyclosporine for six months with methotrexate. Cyclosporin levels should be maintained above 200 ng/ml.

Other substances that have been studied for GvHD treatment include, for example: sirolimuspentostatinetanercept, and alemtuzumab.

In August 2017, the US FDA approved ibrutinib to treat chronic GvHD after failure of one or more other systemic treatments.

Clinical research

There are a large number of clinical trials either ongoing or recently completed in the investigation of graft-versus-host disease treatment and prevention.

On May 17, 2012, Osiris Therapeutics announced that Canadian health regulators approved Prochymal, its drug for acute graft-versus-host disease in children who have failed to respond to steroid treatment. Prochymal is the first stem cell drug to be approved for a systemic disease.

In January 2016, Mesoblast released results of a phase 2 clinical trial on 241 children with acute Graft-versus-host disease, that was not responsive to steroids. The trial was of a mesenchymal stem cell therapy known as remestemcel-L or MSC-100-IV. Survival rate was 82% (vs 39% of controls) for those who showed some improvement after one month, and in the long term 72% (vs 18% of controls) for those that showed little effect after one month.

HIV elimination

Graft-versus-host disease has been implicated in eliminating several cases of HIV, including The Berlin Patient and six others in Spain.

See also


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Further reading

External links

External resourcesMedlinePlus001309eMedicinemed/926 ped/893 derm/478
Organ transplantation
Blood transfusion and transfusion medicine
Consequences of external causes
Hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases


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