“Shivambu”, which literally means ‘beneficial water’, refers to auto or self-urine therapy
One teaspoon, twice a day
According to Jagdish R. Burani, a proponent of urine therapy, the Sanskrit word “Shivambu”, which literally means ‘beneficial water’, refers to auto or self-urine therapy. His website notes that Hindu deity Shiva extolled its benefits to his consort, Parvati. The website adds that in a text called Damar Tantra, there are 107 shlokas (couplets) that claim all diseases can be cured by one’s own urine, and everyone can retain health and strength through regular use of Shivambu. Pankaj Narayan Pandit, founder and trustee of SLK Foundation, a Maharashtra-based charitable trust,and an avid proponent of urine therapy, says, “People assume wrongly that one has to drink a whole glass of urine, or sometimes even others’ urine. That is misinformation.” He recommends drinking a teaspoon, twice a day. If it feels like a nauseating idea, one can, he suggests, start by ‘topical medication’ (applied on skin) and then proceed to consumption, since the urea found in urine is good for the skin too. The recommended urine is ideally the one collected mid-stream while urinating in evenings, because it is less concentrated and of ‘better quality’.
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