Desmosine is an amino acid found uniquely in elastin, a protein found in connective tissue such as skin, lungs, and elastic arteries. Desmosine is a component of elasti
Protein secondary structure
Protein secondary structure is the three dimensional form of local segments of proteins. The two most common secondary structural elements are alpha helices and beta she
A tetrapeptide is a peptide, classified as an oligopeptide, since it only consists of four amino acids
Examples of tetrapeptides are: See also Hormones Categories: From Wikipedia where this page was last updated July 2, 2022
Ghrelin or lenomorelin
History and name Gene, transcription products, and structure Ghrelin cells Alternative names Location Features Function and mechanism of action Blood levels Ghrelin receptor Locati
No proof for the need of zinc in human cells was shown until the late 1930s where its presence was demonstrated in carbonic anhydrase and the 1960s where it was identified as a necessary element for humans
Zinc was identified to be essential in fungal growth of yeast as shown by Jules Raulin in 1869 yet no proof for the need of zinc in human cells was shown u
Chymase and Chymosin – Rumored To Be Synonyms (and a little renin and rennin)
Chymase Alternative name for chymosin [“chymase .” A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition. . 25 Aug. 2022 https://www.encycl
What Is Metalloproteinase?
A metalloproteinase, or metalloprotease, is any protease enzyme whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. An example is ADAM12 w
What Are Plant Matrix Metalloproteinases?
Plant matrix metalloproteinases are metalloproteins and zinc enzymes found in plants. Matrix Metalloproteinase Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are zinc endopeptidases, com
What are Matrix Metalloproteinases?
The MMPs belong to a larger family of proteases known as the metzincin superfamily.[ Matrix Metalloproteinases: Its implications in cardiovascular disorders] Co
In biology, histones are highly basic proteins abundant in lysine and arginine residues that are found in eukaryotic cell nuclei. They act as spools around which DNA
Lipofuscin is the name given to fine yellow-brown pigment granules composed of lipid-containing residues of lysosomal digestion and considered to be one of the aging or “wear-and-tear” pigments
Lipofuscin is the name given to fine yellow-brown pigment granules composed of lipid-containing residues of lysosomal digestion.[1][2] It is considered to be one of the agin
What Is Nitrophenol? (besides something mentioned in ‘Scientific Opinion on the re‐evaluation of aspartame as a food additive’)
Nitrophenols are compounds of the formula HOC6H5−x(NO2)x. The conjugate bases are called nitrophenolates. Nitrophenols are more acidic than phenol itself. Wikipedi
Arsenic Etymology
arsenic (n.) late 14c., “yellow arsenic, arsenic trisulphide,” from Old French arsenic, from Latin arsenicum, from late Greek arsenikon “
Leech Etymology
leech (n.1) “bloodsucking aquatic worm,” from Old English læce (Kentish lyce), of unknown origin (with a cognate in Middle Dutch lake). Common
Arsenic at Wellcome Collection
539 Results for “arsenic” Arsenic in drinking water / Subcommittee on Arsenic in Drinking Water, Committee on Toxicology, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology,
Leeches at Wellcome Collection
61 Results for “Leeches” A fierce battle between the supporters of John Brown (Bruno), in favour of treatment with stimulants, and those of F.J.V. Broussais, in favour