Sceptered – Crystal growth stops and continues at the top of the crystal, but not at the bottom
Common examples include: hedenbergite, quartz
Nodular/Tuberose – Deposit of roughly spherical form with irregular protuberances
Common examples include: agate (and other chalcedony)
Massive/Compact – Shapeless, no distinctive external crystal shape
Common examples include: limonite, turquoise, cinnabar, quartz, realgar, lazurite
Hemimorphic – Doubly terminated crystal with two differently shaped ends
Common examples include: hemimorphite, elbaite
Amygdaloidal – Like embedded almonds
Common examples include: heulandite, subhedral zircon Amygdules or amygdales (/əˈmɪɡdjuːlz, -deɪlz/) form when the vesicles (pores from gas bubbles in lava) of a vol