A protein mimetic is a molecule such as a peptide, a modified peptide or any other molecule that biologically mimics the action or activity of some other protei
A protein mimetic is a molecule such as a peptide, a modified peptide or any other molecule that biologically mimics the action or activity of some other protei
A protein mimetic is a molecule such as a peptide, a modified peptide or any other molecule that biologically mimics the action or activity of some other protei
A tetrapeptide is a peptide, classified as an oligopeptide, since it only consists of four amino acids
Examples of tetrapeptides are: See also Hormones Categories: From Wikipedia where this page was last updated July 2, 2022
Ghrelin or lenomorelin
History and name Gene, transcription products, and structure Ghrelin cells Alternative names Location Features Function and mechanism of action Blood levels Ghrelin receptor Locati