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Be nice and have fun! Integer vel diam hendrerit velit condimentum cursus. Nulla porttitor eleifend dui, vitae mattis libero ornare et. Nulla iaculis ex eu enim ultrices egestas. C
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Ascus (Mythology)
Ascus (Ancient Greek: Ἄσκος) was a giant from ancient Greek mythology, who in conjunction with Lycurgus of Thrace chained the god Dionysus
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what on Earth Little things make big days. Non blandit massa enim nec dui nunc mattis. Montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies. Feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida
Pituri, aka mingkulpa, is a mixture of leaves and wood ash traditionally chewed as a stimulant (or, after extended use, a depressant) by Aboriginal Australians widely across the continent.
Leaves are gathered from any of several species of native tobacco (Nicotiana) or from at least one distinct population of the species Duboisia hopwoodii. Various species of Acaci
The term “hormesis” derives from Greek hórmēsis for “rapid motion, eagerness”, itself from ancient Greek hormáein to excite. The same Greek root provides the word hormone.
Hormesis is a two-phased dose-response relationship to an environmental agent whereby low-dose amounts have a beneficial effect and high-dose amounts are either inhibitory to fu
Arsenic eaters were people who regularly consumed small amounts of arsenic. Its use was particularly common in the 19th century in Styria and Tyrol, where arsenic is known under the names Hidrach or Hittrach, dialect for metallurgical smoke, and was a by-product of glass production (in the glassworks) and ore smelting.
This term can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when arsenic was already in use as a stimulant. Arsenic eaters, known as dippers, are also known from the southern states of the
Beccalossi C. Italian sexology, Nicola Pende’s biotypology and hormone treatments in the 1920s. Hist Med Sante. 2017 Winter;12:73-97. doi: 10.4000/hms.1173. Epub 2018 May 28. PMID: 31501760; PMCID: PMC6733708.
AbstractThis article analyses a selection of Nicola Pende’s studies from the 1920s on ‘endocrinological abnormalities’ associated with impotence, a lack of virility in men, a
BECCALOSSI C. Optimizing and normalizing the population through hormone therapies in Italian science, c.1926–1950. The British Journal for the History of Science. 2020;53(1):67-88. doi:10.1017/S0007087419000906
Abstract This essay explores how hormone treatments were used to optimize and normalize individuals under Italian Fascism. It does so by taking the activities of the Biotypological