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what on Earth Little things make big days. Non blandit massa enim nec dui nunc mattis. Montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies. Feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida
Lactalbumin aka whey protein
Lactalbumin, also known as “whey protein“, is the albumin contained in milk and obtained from whey. Lactalbumin is found in the milk of many ma
Acidophiles in acid mine drainage
The outflow of acidic liquids and other pollutants from mines is often catalysed by acid-loving microorganisms; these are the acidophiles in acid mine drainage. Acidophiles ar
Stone lanterns
Stone lanterns (灯籠/灯篭/灯楼, Chinese: dēnglóng; Japanese: tōrō, meaning ‘light basket’, ‘light tower’)[a] are a type of traditional East As
In Chinese astronomy, Columba (the Heaven Dove constellation) depicted three generations of a family and droppings from the celestial toilet
In Chinese astronomy, three pairs of stars in Columba depicted three generations of a family. Alpha and Epsilon Columbae were Zhangren, an old farmer; Beta and either Lambda or Gam
Rubia peregrina aka common wild madder
Rubia peregrina, the common wild madder, is a herbaceous perennial plant species belonging to the bedstraw and coffee family Rubiaceae. Etymology The genus name Rubia d
Acicular – Needle-like, slender and/or tapered
Acicular, in mineralogy, refers to a crystal habit composed of slender, needle-like crystals. Crystals with this habit tend to be fragile. Complete, undamaged a