Vitelline duct connects the yolk sac to the small intestine. This duct obliterates when the embryo is about 6 weeks old. Complete failure of the duct to obliterate results in a fistula from the ileum to the umbilicus (vitelline fistula).
In the human embryo, the vitelline duct, also known as the vitellointestinal duct, the yolk stalk, the omphaloenteric duct, or the omphalomesenteric duct, is a long narro
Albumen prints and egg whites…all the rage back in the day…and a few other things
The albumen print, also called albumen silver print, was published in January 1847 by Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard, and was the first commercially exploitabl
Syncytin-2 also known as endogenous retrovirus group frd member 1
Syncytin-2 also known as endogenous retrovirus group FRD member 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ERVFRD-1 gene.[5] This protein plays a key
Syncytiotrophoblast (from the Greek ‘syn’- “together”; ‘cytio’- “of cells”; ‘tropho’- “nutrition”; ‘
“Cytotrophoblast” is the name given to both the inner layer of the trophoblast (also called layer of Langhans) or the cells that live there. It is i
What Is Metalloproteinase?
A metalloproteinase, or metalloprotease, is any protease enzyme whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. An example is ADAM12 w