Agrin is a large chimeric proteoglycan, a heparan sulfate and chondroitin proteoglycan, whose best-characterised role is in the development of the neuromuscular junction during embryogenesis
Agrin was originally found in the electric organ of Tarpedo california and in the basal lamina at the neuromuscular junction as a protein that di
Cadherin-1 or Epithelial cadherin(E-cadherin), (not to be confused with the APC/C activator protein CDH1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CDH1gene.[5] Mutation
Hippo signaling pathway
The Hippo signaling pathway, also known as the Salvador-Warts-Hippo (SWH) pathway, is a signaling pathway that controls organ size in a
WW domain
The WW domain,[2] (also known as the rsp5-domain[3] or WWP repeating motif[4]) is a modular protein domain that mediates specific interactions with protein ligands. This do
YAP1 (yes-associated protein 1), also known as YAP or YAP65, is a protein that acts as a transcription coregulator that promotes transcription of genes involved in cellular