The Capuchin Crypt, Rome
The Capuchin Crypt is a small space comprising several tiny chapels located beneath the church of Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini on the Via Veneto
Lagniappe, “a word worth traveling to New Orleans to get”
A lagniappe is “a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase” (such as a 13th doughnut on purchase of a dozen), or more broadly, “so
Mouth of the Lion
Denunciation (from Latin denuntiare, “to denounce”) is the act of publicly assigning to a person the blame for a perceived wrongdoing with the hope of bringing attent
Ezekiel Stone Wiggins (1839 – 1910) was a Canadian weather and earthquake predictor known as the “Ottawa Prophet”
He was also the author of several scientific, educational and religious works. Wiggins wrote the “Architecture of the Heavens containing a new theory of the universe and the