Average body temperature among Americans has dropped about 0.02 °C (0.05 F) every decade since the early 1800s and 0.03 °C every decade since 1960
Mackowiak PA, Wasserman SS, Levine MM. A Critical Appraisal of 98.6°F, the Upper Limit of the Normal Body Temperature, and Other Legacies of Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich. JA
Clusterin (apolipoprotein J)
Clusterin (apolipoprotein J) is a 75-80 kDa disulfide-linked heterodimeric protein associated with the clearance of cellular debris and apoptosis. In humans, clusterin is enco
Ectodomain Shedding & Sheddases & a whole bunch of Adams
An ectodomain is the domain of a membrane protein that extends into the extracellular space (the space outside a cell). Ectodomain