Three mechanisms predominate for beneficial effects of smoking: the ‘anti-estrogenic effect’ of smoking; alterations in prostaglandin production; and stimulation of nicotinic cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system
Beneficial effects of nicotine and cigarette smoking: the real, the possible and the spurious Baron JA. Beneficial effects of nicotine and cigarette smoking: the real, the possible
Prenatal exposure to paracetamol/acetaminophen and precursor aniline impairs masculinisation of male brain and behaviour
Paracetamol/acetaminophen (N-Acetyl-p-Aminophenol; APAP) is the preferred analgesic for pain relief and fever during pregnancy. It has therefore caused concern that several studies
AM404, aka N-arachidonoylphenolamine, is an active metabolite of paracetamol
AM404, also known as N-arachidonoylphenolamine, is an active metabolite of paracetamol (acetaminophen), responsible for all or part of its analgesic action and anticonvul